Nostalgic memories of Preston Candover's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 7 Memories

My Grandma, Ethel Hardy, lived in Gardeners Cottage and when we were young we always came for our holidays. My Mum was called Kitty and she married my Dad and went to live in Hull, but we always came every year to see Grandma and Aunty Bett and all my Uncles. It was a lovely cottage, and we used to go blackberry picking and on walks in the summer, and in the Winter, at Christmas we went to Midnight Mass and ...see more
Does anyone remember the Bruce family who lived at Dickers Farm during the war? ..... Marcus, Connie, Christine and Heather. Marcus Bruce, worked at Moundsmere Manor and Connie was headmistress at the local school.
My great grandfather Alfred Lyne Bradby was born at Manor Farm in 1845 and in the census of 1871 was single and had a housekeeper living there by the name of Margaret Dow. His father, Anthony Bradby and wife Elizabeth were living at Moundsmere farm Has anybody any information about the farms and owners or tenants at this time, please? I hope to visit the village at the end of October 2012.
Yes, Susan and Margaret both lived in Stenbury Drive all their lives. Susan passed away about 3 years ago and sadly Margaret died in January. She is sorely missed by all in the village.
We lived in a thatched cottage just out of the village, there was a farm nearby where my dad worked. I used to go to St Mary's Church on Sundays. I attended Perins School. I had a friend who lived on the housing estate in the village, her name was Susan Dickins or Dickinson, she had a older sister Margaret. After all these years does anyone remember her?
This was the year I left PC school to go to High School. I have immensely fond memories of school life here and the wonderful teachers, Mrs Cosier, Mrs Brady and Head Teacher Mrs Bruce. Lining up outside every morning for team games before school. doubtless to wake us up! The whole school chanting our times tables in unison which I think should be mandatory today in all primaries. It ...see more
I lived, with my parents and brother and sister, in the 'School House' from 1956-1963. My mother [Mrs Maud Slater] was one of the teachers and taught in the school until her retirement in 1978. The school and house were demolished in 1963/4 when a new school was built. Although for much of my life in PC I was at boarding school /the army I have wonderful memories of my boyhood in the fields ...see more