Nostalgic memories of Mill Hill's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

I have few memories of my primary school which was in a private house in Croft Close a turning off of Marsh Lane, but I do remember being very happy there. This was during the latter war years. However I had a very bad experience at the first private junior school I attended. This was St Georges in Flower Lane, Mill Hill Broadway in 1945 and my father was still in the army. The ...see more
Not long after the completion of Worcester Crescent and Bedford Road, the construction of Ramillies Road I had acquired a large number of new friends, all boys. My parents had moved from Woodford Essex to 52 Worcester Crescent just before my first birthday and the outbreak of WW2 in 1939. The house was a new John Laings build. By the early 1950s my summers were taken up by playing Cricket for Mill Hill ...see more
We moved to 52 Worcester Crescent, Mill Hill early in 1939 not long before the outbreak of the war. I am now 83 but I can clearly remember the bomb crater at the bottom of Ramillies Road. If you come from Bedford Road the crater was on the right not very far up, about where numbers 6,8 and 10 Ramillies now stand. This filled with water naturally and I remember Mum and Dad having a ...see more
Anyone know the origin of the seals on the side of the buildings at Apex corner The Apex Corner seals in Mill Hill and some pics to show where. I collated more details on my blog - Can you solve the mystery of the Apex Corner Seals in Mill Hill? Find out all about them here -
I actually grew up in 'Edgware' because I lived on the wrong side of the 'Railway Line' which along the M1. I remember Balfour newsagents at Apex Corner & later on I remember drinking in 'Jeramiah Bulfrogs, which I as just trying to rack my brain remembering. My dad (& later on my mum when she learnt to drive), couldn't go ANYWHERE without having to go round Apex.
Like others in these comments ,I to went to Courtlands Primary School and remember well the building of Moat Mount School. In the early sixties the Landlord of the "Royal Scot" was a Mr Mullen and his son Dave sat next to me in Class 4B The pub was a favourite with many of the masters for a drink after School .And like many of us at that time .we had to dodge them when sneaking into the pub . Out side the ...see more
i grew up on the Barnet Way- the flats on the corner of the fairway, we attended Courtlands school Mr Bateman was the headmaster- and i still see my first teacher from 1970 in Edgware, near the music shop i now run.. remember the nearto the school "tuckshop?", at Apex corner, you had " Peter Trevayne.. mainly european" car sales, then one of two newspaper shops run by Mr Vernon, then the ...see more
My name is Ron Sargeant and I lived at 52 Worcester Crescent Mill Hill from 1939 until 1964 when I married the girl across the road from number 51, Barbara Snelling, and moved to Harrow Now as to the picture. On the skyline you can see the beginnings of Scratch Woods. At the point where the photo was taken there used to be a bench seat. Immediately behind that was a high wire fence which ...see more
Apex corner was our local shopping area. I lived close to it from 1941-1956. The picture well represents it over that period. It barely changed in 15 years. The shops shown in the photograph remained the same. On the corner over the roundabout they were roughly in order: Tesco's, Boots the Chemist, the Apex off licence, Salisbury, Meyers the greengrocer, Sylvester's the news agent and just out of view the Apex cafe, Vincent's Hardware and Norman Davis electrical and toys.
The roundabout; the sweet shop - one of my first jobs. Before the M1 was built my friends grandparents lived in an apartment and we used to walk from Edgware to here, going past the Cripplidge (not sure of spelling) and the garden plots. There was a car dealership I think at the end of the shops. You could also get to Burnt Oak going from here.