Nostalgic memories of Binfield's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

There were the Cardricks who lived at the top of Tilehurst Lane and Terrace Road and were a family of carpenters. Then there were the Carpenters who had the garage near the Standard Corner in Terrace Road and the Timms with the other garage and breakers yard in Terrace Road(now South) . The Dennis family of lawn-mower and lorry fame on the corner of Forest Road and Wicks Green, together with ...see more
Does anyone have any memories of Albert he was a keen member of the British legion also on the Canival committee any comments please get in touch I am his nephew we lived in my younger days at Forest Rd next to the infants school then to White House Farm in Foxley lane thank you for any memories Tony ( Whitlock ) I was also known as Tony Pear ..... does anybody have any relatives that may have been the R.A.S.C ...see more
Hi Anthony, my grandfather worked for your father as a blacksmith in Binfield. IF you have any memories of him or my mother Phyllis and her brother Fred I would be very interested to hear. best to use my email address which is mike.sluman@ I live near Binfield and new a Chris Campbell, was he related to your friend? Best wishes Mike Sluman
In Nineteen eighty six I met a girl called Rossamund mills who lived on forest road in binfield with her parents and two brothers and their dog they lived in two Cottages converted to one .her mother was a charge nurse at binfield park house I have good and unhappy memory off that time because Rossamund passed away aged 20 years .in 1986 .that was 29 years ago but memory is still fresh as if it was ...see more
I left England in 1956, the son of Bill Hubbard, the local blacksmith. I would love to track down Nicholas Campbell, the son of Winnie Campbell, my best friend at the time. Anyone could tell me how to contact him would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Anthony (Tony).
i would love to hear from anybody that might remember Arthur George Heal he lived in victoria cottages in terrace road Binfield unfortunatly he passed away in 1959 any body that has any help to give me as he was my Step Father we spent some time together with my Mother but as time goes too quick any photos would be a help to my memories..I would like to add that my mother then Mrs Edna Heal passed away in June 2005 Thank you for any help Tony Whitlock..
Does anybody that attended the school at that time have any photos, also anybody that might have joined the Binfield Scouts in 1953/4 i would love to hear from anybody that remembers Mr & Mrs A Pear who brought me up we lived next to the School in Forest Rd, any help would be appreciated thank yours faithfully A. Whitlock. (Tony)
Does anybody have any photos of the scouts, 1st binfield troop at the carnival. Anybody remember Mr & Mrs A.E.Pear, as I was brought up by them and we lived in Forest Road, next to the infants school. I also remember Norman Munday the village barber, he was a very nice person. Please get in touch. Thank you, Tony Whitlock (known then as Pear).
About this time I was a member of the Stag Motorcycle Club, our headquarters was the Stag and Hounds, it was a wonderful time in my life, it was a great club. I recall with great affection a few of the fellow members - Bert and Mervin Higgs, Jerry Church, Johny Holliman, Wally Stevens, and many other very special people with great affection. Ron Ponsford.
I am writing in response to the memories of Terry Richardson and in particular his memory of 'Pop' Rapley.  Pop Rapley was my grand father and I too remember him as described, in his brown gaiters and highly polished boots, he worked with horses in the stables (not sure where), but my dad said that before settling in Binfield they moved from farm to farm, wherever he could find work, and invariably lived in a ...see more