Nostalgic memories of Eridge Green's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 4 Memories

I was married in 1957. My wife and I went looking for a dustbin. We went to the local Co-op.. Galvanised dustbins were 10 shillings. We had seen that they soon went rusty and had to be replaced. Also on sale was a rubber dustbin not plastic, made by Semtex a part of Dunlop. It was £7 a great deal of money, however we took the plunge, and in 2017 it will be 60 years old and is as good as the day we bought it. It ...see more
I remember going hop picking when I was a child. My Grandmother's cottage, one of the cottages called Holly Cottages, ran into the hop garden at the end of the fosel, so we were very lucky as we could go up to my grandmother's for a drink or to use the washroom whenever we wanted. If it rained we would go up to her cottage and wait for the rain to stop before heading back down to the hop garden.
I stayed with my Great Aunt Evelyn Cramer Roberts in one half the "Cottages" (16C left hand side of the road going towards the station) during parts of my childhood and growing years between 1934 and 1956. In my childhood there was the village shop and post office which always smelt deliciously of the groceries sold there. I can remember helping her maid, Emma, clean the oil lamps when I was very young. My ...see more
My grandparents lived in one of the two cottages at the entrance to Eridge Castle, where grandad was the butler. I was so happy there. Granny would take me to see Mr and Mrs Ward who were the head gardener and his wife. Their daughter Ann would take me for walks and was always so much fun to be with. Walking through the woods and down to the lake was a great treat, and how I loved all the wonderful sights there were ...see more