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Nostalgic memories of Eaglesham's local history

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Displaying all 5 Memories

Hello ,just found this interesting website about lawmuir agricultural college which brought back many happy memories. I was a pupil there in 1954/55. Previously I attended Albert senior secondary school in springburn Glasgow I think I could have been one of the first conscript to lawmuir Anyway I remember getting on an old grey bus in George's square Glasgow every Monday morning and ...see more
Hi my name is Diane and I grew up on Lawmuir, my dad lived and worker at Lawmuir I still remember helping my dad with the cows and I remember being chased by the pig and being butted by the goat - I really hated that goat. My dad's name - Rab (Robert) Kennedy, he was a great dad, he did not mind having us hang around. My favourite job was making the milk formula for the calves and feeding them. To this day I still remember the ...see more
As a child our dog MAC had his boarding holidays with a Mrs Crawford who had a pig farm somewhere off Strathaven Road. I remember my dad driving up the farm road to the farm and the pigs seemed so big and dirty to us little children. Mac spent his holidays at the farm while we went off to the beach somewhere. I remember one year when we came home and Mac had run away, the village postmistress's dog was in season and Mac ...see more
I went to Lawmuir for 2 years from 1963 - 1965 when I was 12. I am now 67. Every Monday morning the bus would pick you up at one of the statues in George Square directly across from the Post Office Building and take all the boys out to Jackton. The first day I arrived I was homesick but then settled down. I enjoyed being there. It was correct that every room had to take a chance of getting up at 5:00am ...see more
My first and last visit to Eaglesham church was when i was a schoolboy at lawmuir agricultural school in nearby Jackton. I must add that lawmuir was a boarding school in those days, and pupils went there on a voluntary basis, all paid for by Glasgow corporation education department, the idea was that we had half a days schooling and the other half working on the farm, the school was split into two ...see more