Nostalgic memories of Dinas Powis's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

i lived in highwalls in no 21 moved in on june 1953 and spent after my wedding and lived there along time, lovely to see the old pictures shirley oakes
I would say the date of this photograph is 1960 - 62. I am one of the three girls at the lower right of the photo and have a vague recollection of seeing the photographer standing on the back of a lorry? with a tripod. The other girls are my sister Hazel and a friend, Lesley. Wendy Lawday, nee COLES
The Common, which is a delightful huge stretch of open ground from Cardiff Road to the Westra, was the sporting centre for the villagers. Here the cricket club played and the rugby club also held their matches too. Just off the Common is the home of both the Bowls Club and tennis club. My memory of playing for the cricket club was on the day of the 1966 World Cup final when England were ...see more
My dad, Charles Davies, became the manager of this branch of the National Provincial Bank in 1965 and we moved to the village to live on the Twyncyn, off the Common in 1966. He remained there as manager for quite some time - seeing through the change to it being a Nat West bank. The Three Horse Shoes pub at that time was run by a cantankerous landlord who delighted in getting into ...see more
The photo shows the bottom of Highwalls Avenue, I lived half way up round the corner. It was a steep climb when i was litlle but got easier as I grew. I was born in this road and had such a happy time.
This photo brought back so many memories my Dad, Ralph Catchpole, bought the the Mount Stores in 1952 he owned and ran the shop until about 1965. I have so many memories of my life in Dinas Powis, my Dad's Morris Minor is even shown in the photo parked outside the shop. We lived in High Walls Avenue which is shown in one of the other photos in the collection. We returned to the village a couple of years ...see more