Nostalgic memories of Addlestone's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 52 in total

I lived in Addlestone above a shop 178 Station Road. I remember the day the old signal box was taken down to be replaced by automatic barriers. Once the signal box had been removed there was an enormous mound of tea leaves which had been emptied out from the window probably since the box was first opened. It was an odd sight.
I am the boy in the foreground on a bike and in the background on a bike is my friend Tony. We were worried about the man staring at us, he had a big box and I guess a tripod. When we got home we said about it to our dads and later were told it was a man taking photos, others had also asked. Our family lived in Church Road from 1953 for, I believe, around 27 years.
my memories hover around my grandmother's little general store at 106 New Haw Road, Does anyone remember it? She converted her front room into this small store and I had aunts and uncles living at 125 and 127 New Haw Road. I spent most of my time playing with my cousin Beryl Alexander at 125 and, with her friends, had many illicit adventures over many years! I was evacuated there from London during the war and attended the local junior school with Beryl and her entourage.
Met my wife to be, Gill Allen, on Sunday 21st August 1966 at one of those dances. Still remember the first time we made direct eye contact. (Sweet) (Trapped). (Lucky). Great groups for the time including The Mojos? Married at New Haw Church 1970. Still tethered.
I was born above Beston's Stationers' shop, Station Road in 1953. The shop is on the left hand side close to the crossing gate and the bus stop was outside. I attended St Augustine's C of E Primary School from 1957 to about 1960 when we moved to New Haw where I attended the old Primary School, long gone now, in Woodham Lane. I can still remember living there and the small Fire Station at ...see more
I lived on and off at between 1953-1963 my grandfathers house 107 Bourneside Rd, 2nd house from the end, Ramsey family, I rember fun on coxes mill pond, climbing over the black metal fence fishing without permit on pond or canal,trying to walk the weir playing on the lock
Between the years of 1955 and 1963 except for a 2 yr stint in Australia We lived on and off at my grandfathers house at 107 Bourneside Road 2nd house from end of road; as kids we climbed over fence to get to the mill pond for non permit fishing, coxes mill was still functioning, no gentrified housing then, I attended St Augustine’s infant school then St Paul’s secondary, a cousins mother managed Budgens, I had a Saturday ...see more
I was born in Addlestone down good old greenlane . I attend st pauls school until I left in 1969. I used to hang around crown cafe alot , there was never alot todo at night disco at the com center which always ended up with a fight .as I live in Woking moved far haven't I .I have seen many changes dukes head,magnet and Woburn hotel all pulled down for houses and the police station now gone also the co op now replaced ...see more
I lived in Bois Hall Road from 1941-1959,when I left Addlestone to work in London. I have very fond memories of growing up in Addlestone, although I hated school,with the exception of Oaklands, I think it was called, which was wonderfull, making camps and dens in the grounds. Does anyone remember any of the teachers in St Pauls school? Mrs Randal,who used to back comb her hair with her fingers,headmistress Miss Butler,one ...see more
I was born in Addlestone in what was Kingthorpe nursing home in 1944 (no nhs then)my father worked for Vickers Armstrong at Byfleet. My father was born in Cailard road Byfleet the same road as my mother was born. He is now 96 years old and went to school at St.Mary's school Byfleet. Unfortunately my mum died two years ago her maiden name was Dewberry and my name was Hughes. When I see that picture of Addlestone railway ...see more