Nostalgic memories of Addlestone's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 52 in total

Yes I went to the Sunday dandies at the Co-op, it was there that I meat the most beautiful girl, my girlfriend Jill. But being stupid I left her, and to this day I am still in love with her.
Ray is my twin brother, he was the one with all the brains, really, really smart. And of course Joy, lovely Joy, God took Joy from us many, many years ago.
I am not too sure where my mum worked, I'll have to think about that one. I had a job at Peter Scott where they made TV sets and radio grams. I also worked at John Lewis, tying to learn how to make furniture. My dad was a brilliant plasterer along with his partner, a Mr Browne. Oh yes, I went to full time board training collage to learn to make hand-made furniture and got my City & Guilds. I hope anyone who ...see more
Yes, right by Smiths farm, the river and farm are my old hunting grounds. If you think you know me let's talk.
Well, I was born in 1944 and brought up down Bourneside Road, number 97. And always went up to Smiths farm and the mill pond, my home.
I was born at 53 Prairie Road in 1964, my earliest memory is going to school in Chapel Park Infants School, Chapel Avenue, then we up to infants school in School Lane and then over the road to the juniors which I think used to be the boys school, I think at the time the new middle school was being built, and eventually ended up at St Paul's middle school and on to the secondary school. I remember ...see more
Aerco was started by my grandfather, Thomas Ricketts after the war. He was an engineer and Aerco sold and repaired early radios and the first TVs, hence the name Addlestone Electrical Radio Company! I believe there were two locations for the shop before it moved to Chertsey Road in Woking. Whilst in Addlestone, I believe it was in Station Road, nearer the High Street end. There was a flat above. My mother as a young ...see more
Fashion shows with a cup of tea and a biscuit in the Copop on a Saturday. When I was younger the Co-op ran a sports day and we all got a goody box with cream cakes cakes and a suprise of fruit. We shopped at Parrs at the top of the Dukes Head crossroads, I can still remember the smell of the cured bacon. Our order was delivered by a man on a bike. Burges the bakers delivered our bread. We had our shoes ...see more
I remember the Sunday dances at the Co-Op hall well. My mum used to work in the cloakroom and I went with her. We would take the coats in, I would go out and dance (thought I was great and grown up) then I would help give the coats out. I was about 8 when I started. I remember seeing The Applejacks, Georgie Fame and of course the Rhubarb Thrashers. Hha ha. I also remember going to the fashion shows they ...see more
Looking at some of these old photos of Addlestone bought back some happy memories, even though there were some hard times, at least for my parents, such as going down the air raid shelters which was in Victoria Park. We lived in Courland Road, No 6. Next door were the Butlers. I remember going to the Plaza cinema which was in Station Road. As my brothers and I got older, we worked for Sidney I Pyle ...see more