Nostalgic memories of Heswall's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 41 - 50 of 92 in total

I was a poorly child and on two occasions spent time at the Margaret Beavan Home in Lower Heswall around 1956 and 1958. I remember the house being very large and grand, as it would would be to a small child of around six and eight, the uniforms and not wanting to give them my own clothes. I was taken to my dormitory, they were all called after flowers, Bluebell, Poppy, I think Buttercup and ...see more
Does anyone remember staying here on Daisy Ward?
I was at the Margaret Bevan Convalescent Home in 1967 for a month, I always remember it. I remember we used to do country dancing in a hut on the grounds of the home! We used to be taken into the village to buy sweets, stamps etc.. you could see North Wales from across the sea on a clear night!
I was in this hospital for over a year and I loved every day of it. I remember the grounds and the woods at the back which we dare not go in. I was in H.O.T ward and as I got older I moved upstaires to Anne White Wing (I think). I remember Wally the porter and my teacher was Mr Hughes from Wales. I remember the nurses, especially Sister Usherwood or Underwood & Nurse Cole. I can remember the ...see more
My memories of Heswall children's hospital? An imposing building. Actually very intimidating to a youngester. They did not get 'person centred care'. I can recall a nurse on the the Cleft Pallete and Hare Lip ward smacking a Welsh lad on his bare bum in front of the whole ward as he had thrown a blange (these were inedible) out of the ward window. Unfortunately it landed on a gardener ...see more
I was in hospital most of my life but I remember I stayed here the longest, there was a matron who looked after us, tall with glasses, and there was a part you went in where you went to school . There was a teacher who came to our beds with work for us, also the tunnel we went to with big black pips. If anyone remembers me I am very small and had a bad back, my name is Denise, I am 48.
I was in Heswall Childrens Hospital from 1968 to 1969. I have mixed memories. I was very homesick - I was 11- and only one of the night nurses showed any caring - all the others either ignored me or told me to pull myself together. Having said that, I attended the hospital school - taught by mr smith who had magnificent beard! He directed the christmas concert for parents which was one of my better memories!! The ...see more
Hello everybody, so glad to find this page. My name was Anne-Marie Evers and I was in Hesswall Hospital throughout the 1970s but I remember a long stay in 1976. I was in Holbeck Ward [Ithink it was called]. I had very bad asthma and was often admitted to Myrtle Street Childrens Hospital in Liverpool then sent to convalesce in Hesswall. It was a lovely hospital with huge grounds and a steamroller and other ...see more
I was here and have fond memories. Pauleen Hession being a really great person. Can anyone recall me? I did the Child Psychiatry Course. My name is Glyn Goodchild.
My great-grandfather's uncle was the builder of the Hospital, and my great-grandfather came over from Northern Ireland to work for him as an apprentice joiner in 1880. He eventually settled in Birkenhead but cycled everyday from there to Heswall. He told me the route in those days was more or less a sandy path. His name was Thomas Kelly.