Nostalgic memories of Barking's local history

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 111 in total

Living in the prefabs in Ilford Lane I could walk into town up Fanshawe Avenue, or go via Tanner Street and then Glenny Road or, and my memory may be playing tricks on me but I think it was Harpur Road and then up by the side of the railway to come out at the Spotted Dog pub. I found the shops fascinating and perhaps this was why I lead a life as a successful retailer that enabled me to retire ...see more
My first posting concentrated on my birth and school life in Barking, next a little about different memories of my early life. I lived in the prefabs in Ilford Lane on the corner with Victoria road, a few more yards up and I would have lived in Ilford. Opposite us was an Esso petrol station and I recall the queues for petrol during the Suez crisis and the second hand car lot next door where one day ...see more
I notice many other contributors focus on the shops in the town centre and I will cover these in my next ramblings but start with my schools. I was born in March 1949 at Upney maternity hospital and my first school was Northbury. Teachers I remember were Mr.Rowe, cold fish he was, Mr Bowers I liked him. I remember the school's diamond anniversary celebrations and watching out of the class room ...see more
I don't know when the issue was first posted. However, I grew up in Barking and remember both the old Regent cinema in Ripple Road (just) and when in became Regent's Market. Killwicks was in East Street and the furniture store in Ripple Road was Winch's (or Winch-es). My mum used to say that the Regent cinema was the worst in town!
We moved to Hertford Road in 1971, I was 3 years old. I remember playing in our overgrown garden which backed on to the Burges road playing fields soon after we moved in. There used to be a horrendous smell from the paint/chemical factory which was situated near the bridge over the Roding, near where Tesco's is now. The smell was terrible and I can still smell it now, all these years later. We lived in ...see more
Hi I was Maxine walker back then I used to go to joyce williams school of dance I started when I was 6 till 13 yrs as we moved we used to have the working men's club in barking and we also done all our exams there and few year later we moved to harts lane over the road in there club, I done ballet tap & modern loved it we done loads of shows we was never allowed to wear green or any green in our ...see more
Can anyone confirm if there was a bomb dropped on the school in Chitty Lane. Thanks.
Can anyone confirm the name of headmistress of Halbutt girls school in 50's as ms johanson? Thanks
Hi. Can anyone confirm if there were prefabs on dagenham avenue. Thanks
i was 5 wen we came back from germany and were put into the nissan huts used during the war by royal artillery the guns were still there and me and my sister jenny used to play on them and turn the wheel and make them turn we left there and moved to north street next to the white hourse pub which is now on the other side of the road