Nostalgic memories of Barking's local history

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 111 in total

I stumbled across your article and it brought back happy childhood memories. Like you I also lived in Hertford Road Barking up until the summer of 1970 when we moved to Fairlop. Our homes were compulsory purchased by the Department of Transport for the development of the A406. My parents moved in to Hertford Road in 1953, but my memories are only from the mid 1960’s. We lived towards ...see more
My earliest recollection of the beginning of the bombing of Barking was the destruction of a school in little MORLEY ROAD , I was about six at the time. However my younger brothers dispute this and say that to their knowledge there was never a school in either little or big MORLEY ROAD. Can anyone who would be now aged about 80-86 years confirm which is correct. A Smith
Is there anyone who can share similar memories of Barking particularly of the Eastbury and Town areas. At 81 time passes so quickly that memories are the only thing w have left. Clifford Smith
My earliest memories are during the war of hiding down the Andersen garden shelters in King Edwards Saturday Road and St Erkenwald Road with my parents and brothers listening to the shrapnel pinging around us as the incendiary bombs dropped around us and watching from the open doorway as the doodlebugs flew over at rooftop height. One landed in St Awdreys Road demolishing a row of houses and another on ...see more
My twin brother Brian and I are Barking born and bred. We were born at 10 King Edward Road in May of 1936 (now 81) where we stayed until about 5 years old when our parents moved to 43 St Erkenwald Road off Ripple Road opposite what was to become DOES clothing store where their son Dennis became a school chum of ours at Eastbury School. We were schooled firstly at Westbury ...see more
I was born in Upney Hospital in 1950, my first home was Blatchford Close, in the Prefabs, Ripple Road opposite the Cemetery, I have been searching for photos or information, but as yet have had no luck, hoping that someone might know of them. I moved to Thames View Estate in 1955, Barking was a great place to grow up in, we didn't have much money, but kids made their own fun for free, remember walking over the marshes thinking we were at the seaside when we got to the river.
Hi Mike I wonder when you worked for Sainsbury. My Mum 'Ellen' or you may have known her as Helen worked there on the butter pats. It would have been in the late 50's
My Mum worked at Sainsbury's in East Street in the late 50's - to early 60's. She used to 'knock up' the butter from the huge slabs into the small half pound packs, all while the customer waited. She also used to bring home the first yogurts, usually they were frozen and my sis and I loved them. My Mum loved the job but she used to get chilblains in the winter as it was always a bit wet on the floor behind the counter.
Stumbled across this site and have enjoyed the memories of old barking and the shops it had, thought that I should add my recollections and fill in a few blanks from the sixties and seventies, so starting from the Bull Pub and Heading towards the White Horse along North Street ( now the new Asda site )you had a selection of shops which I will try to place in order, first you had an Indian Restaurant then next door a ...see more
My fourth set of memories carries on with shops in Barking. Previously I had recalled those along from Fanshawe Avenue to the station. Over the other side past Cambridge Road was Lloyds bank on the corner, my wife and I had a savings account there before we were married. Also in this block was Worrickers, they had two shops in town the other was in between the Bull public house and Bullies the ...see more