Nostalgic memories of Wincanton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 8 Memories

I arrived in Wincanton as an Evacuee in 1940/41 and lived for a while with my Uncle Frank and his family. My uncle at that time owned Bayford Garage. I was only about 6 yrs of age and quite naturally missed my mother very much. After a few months she too came to live in Wincanton . My father was in the Royal Navy. My mother rented a house (19 Mill Street) and we lived there for a year or so. I ...see more
I was born in Wincanton in 1941, at 55 Penn View. I went to Noth Street School and had a wonderful time there. Wish it still was...but that was my young days. I used to watch the horse raising from the back window of the house. I was told that the old man in the Churchyard got down off the block and walked the church every night at 2400 hrs. School...what a wonderful time. I was in Mrs Ladd's class then in Mrs ...see more
I lived and worked in Wincanton for about 3 years. I stayed in a pub called The Nog Inn, run by a great bloke with the name of Paul Allard. The memories I have are of a friendly town with lots of history. I keep meaning to visit when I'm down that way but never seem to get the chance. As I was in my twenties when I stayed there, I had a great time and met lots of wonderful people who I still remember to this day. ...see more
Auntie June, my dad's sister, turned 90 July 2, 2010. We had a wonderful party for her, at the Red Cross hall. The food was prepared by a group of ladies who certainly know how to put on a great spread. Auntie enjoyed her day. This year she will be 91, I will be with her once again to share her special day. Wincanton is one of the friendliest towns I have ever visited. I look forward each year to returning ...see more
I remember Wincanton when my grandparents ran the grocery shop in North Street. I often stayed and poped next door to the wonderful cake shop then onto my great uncles who ran Parsons Dairies. I went out with my grandfather when he delivered the many boxes of groceries and I usually fell asleep in the soft leather seats of his car. The shop was sold when my grandparents moved to Somerton but I never forget ...see more
I met my late husband whilst working at the Cow & Gate in 1955. Although neither of us worked there for very long, we'd some good memories. We married in August 1957, at that time I was working at Verrington Hospital as a nursing assistant, or as we were then called, a nursing auxillary. Many years have passed,since those days. We came to live in Ireland in 1971 with our three children, all of whom are now ...see more
I was born in Templecombe Hospital in April 1943. My mother was Lilian Game (nee Atkins) and was staying with my grandfather, Ernest Atkins at 13 Silver Street, opposite the church (sadly now the site of a garage). My mother was married there in 1939 and was able to walk to the church because it was so close by. I was christened in St. Peter & Paul in May 1943. I have many happy memories of Wincanton, having ...see more
I have great memories of the Church of St Luke and St Teresa. After instruction I was received into the church by Fr. Paul O' Sullivan, I had my confirmation there the following year. My husband and I were married at St Luke and St Teresa over 50 years ago, sad to say he passed away in 2005. Our eldest daughter was baptised in this church 1961, she was born at Templecombe that year. We came to live in Co. ...see more