Nostalgic memories of Sutton at Hone's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 14 in total

Does anyone remember school days from 1956 to 1960, my memories, though tinged with discomfort because of the headmasters dislike of me 'Old Enoch' we used to call him, however I still have fond memories of Mrs Everest and Mr Emerson, people in my Class that I can still remember were Marilyn Everest, Melanie Baker, Linda Van whose father owned or worked on the old water cress beds, Linda Bowler, David ...see more
I was born at 6 St. Johns Terrace, 3 doors away from Mr Bird's Post Office and store (which is shown in your photo). How many hours have I sat on those steps outside? We used to play in the road and when we heard a vehicle coming we would sit on the steps while it passed - I don't think you can do that today. Directly opposite the Post Office was G.J.Garret Agricultural Implement Depot and ...see more
I should like to know what happened to a baby called Sammy. He shared my nursery in 1945 when his mother was working for my familly, who lived then at Sutton Lodge. I believe that he went to America with his mother just after the war and I should love to know what happened to the family since then. Sutton Lodge was demolished in the 50's but some of my family are buried in the churchyard and their name is Langlands.
I remember you Dennis Falvey, my name is Mavis Smith (now Andress). I remember going to the village hall dance which I think was each week, and I think your cousin was there and myself and Barbara Tallett kept going back into the hall to see him! Those were wonderful days. I think the guys that held the dance night had a record player, that's all!!! How strange! How we have advanced in that ...see more
My sister attended Sutton at Hone school, catching the bus from Hawley or walking through the fields with friends. Such a quiet village . I used to cycle from Hawley to the paper shop and collect my papers to do 'my round' in Shirehall Road, Hawley. The ford I remember very well, cycling through with feet up in the air, heaven help us if the bike stopped half way and we got home with wet socks. So much ...see more
Hello, Does anyone remember the family Trimmer or Twyford or Bratton who lived on Ship Lane and Russel Rd? Hope someone does. My grandmother and grandfather, and my cousin, Keith lay in Sutton churchyard.
I remember the small apple orchard at the bottom of Church Road near the school, climbing over the fence and scrumping and filling my pockets, then getting back over the fence and with horror seeing the farmer (Mr Chaplin) coming round the corner with his 12 bore shot gun over his arm, he looked like Charlie Chaplin in a old black suit and hat, he gave me a look and I ran for my life dropping most of the apples in flight. Memories from Gerry Andress.
I remember going to Mrs Howes sweet shop and buying a pennies worth of sherbert and eating it on the way home from school via the backfields. Going down to the vicarage and swimming in the river. Getting a bag of stale cakes from Fords the bakers, playing football at ship meadow. Trips to the Roman villa. Racing round on our track bikes. Oh happy days.
Came across this website quite by accident very interesting and surprising! I too went to Sutton at hone primary and remember some of the teachers Curwen, Andrews, Rodgers, and Bex etc. When I left there at 11 I went on to Dartford East Secondary and then on to Gravesend School of Art, after being there for a couple of years I realised I wasn't as good as some of the others and money was in short ...see more
I was born in Sutton at Hone and lived there until I married in 1963. I remember many of the names recalled in the memories on this site. My maiden name was Bradley and I had two brothers David and Raymond. I went to school with Jean Widows and Ann Savidge plus Sylvia Attridge from Hawley. Jean was the daughter of the local dairyman. I remember well the school headmaster Mr Kirwin who lived close to me ...see more