Staining Now

A Memory of Staining.

I left Staining in 1974. We lived in the street where Fred Chatwick,had his garage with son Fred. My mum knew Irene very well as she worked to at the mushroom farm in Staining, along with the late Mary Whiteside and husband Frank. My best friend at the time was their daughter Teresa. I moved back to Staining in 1998, down the Nook, it's all changed, the little caravan site has gone and also Uncle Jim's Farm, who sadly got murdered many years ago now. I have very fond memories of Staining as a child, and that is why I returned. Reading your stories made me chuckle as I can relate to most of the people who you know and the village itself. Hope you reply, just love reading about the good old days in our tiny village.

Added 09 March 2011


Comments & Feedback

Hi Barbara,Remember me Ian Croft from Sunnyside Cafe opposite the Church and bus stop Staining road.My Dad was Albert, I replied to your comment 7 years ago.It's good to let other people know your memories before they fade away I'm 66 now feb I'll be 67.most of my hair has gone and I've got more aches and pains etc.I'm still living in Australia I won't move back now air fair is one thing and I won't know anybody now.We have all changed in looks etc.Maybe some will still live there with deep roots.
Hi Ian yes I remember you and the little cafe opposite the school me and Teresa use to play the flipper machines in there, sadly it's back into a bungalow..miss those days very much. I'm still here in staining , we've starting going to the plough more now which has change so much from that little white corner 63 now scary ,where does the time go. It must be wonderful in Australia, hot unlike here at the moment cold. Good to hear from you and take care.
Hi Barbara,It's Ian when I left mums I bought a house belonging to my Grandma the middle old farm workers Terrace on the right opposite Atkinsons allotment where I used to buy all my vegs and join them for a cuppa sometimes they were my neighbours on the end of the Terrace.They said the place was haunted as was Butlers Farm fast the Nook Scrap Yard and old Tom Snapes Farm [oldest building in the area] on the right before Newton Hall Holiday Camp.But the Terrace Built in 1431.was cheap and great but not flush toilet, bath,shower or hot water.I did have a low power Revo Cooker 20 amp not 30 amp.Talk about living in the past going to the outside toilet with a candle lamp and the wind howling and the local owl.When it was snowing it was better as the snow made it brighter.All The door heights was 5 ft.Being 5ft.10'' I used to bang my head lots of times.ceiling was 6ft. so had only one wall light so it was cosy or spooky at the same time the walls were very thick with very small windows 1 bedroom box room upstairs living room and kitchen downstairs.the front garden with white stones around looked like a grave felt like I should put a cross at one end.I have a photo of it and the Bungalow 2 years ago and that's gone replaced with a log pile good idea cheaper than coal.Thanks for replying Ian Croft.
I remember when I was at the School the Head mistress Mrs. Hollows she had a finger cut off at the knuckel I just remembered that just now why I don't know anyway she put 2 boxes one left and right of the Alter outside with things from the 1950's for a future class to cut out off the wall I tried to find out if the school did that but know one knew about it or tried to find out maybe this age are not bothered. When I was 10irs old we went to school camp in Peebles Scotland by a river and there was a storm and I was first one up and saw the big tent down and a bid tree on the girls tent and a girl called Anita was killed the local press took a photo of me holding a pole of the big tent front page off the Blackpol Gazzette I remember saying to a teacher this place did'nt look same with the river flowing fast and very high and that night there was a very bad storm thunder and lightening could'nt sleep very scared we all had to stay in church hall in the village

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