Southbourne, Chichester Road c.1955
Photo ref: S651004
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A Selection of Memories from Southbourne

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Southbourne

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Was just scrolling through Google maps as you do and found myself back in Bournemouth where I grew up. 75 now and living in Australia. Found a reference to Homefield School and Mr Taggart! Wow! I was there about the same time as another respondent, maybe 1955. Remember playing truant more often than care to admit and earned Mr Taggart’s wrath and a few whacks of the cane! I recall a French teacher ...see more
I started as a boarder at Homefield school in 1958. I was 10. Taggart was the headmaster, Amos was head of the boarding house. A bit of a religious fellow. Names I remember:Kamal Khimani, John Turner, Buckland, Daubney, Levy, Gerry Mitchell, Ray Green, Saunders, Wilmot-Wilkinson. Enough!
Stourfield Junior School was an attractive red brick building with a large playground and a football field in the 1950's. I went to school here between 1954 and 1956 and remember my time fondly. Long before the days of a "National Curriculum" we were taught by inspiring men who had seen much life during their service in the Second World War. They taught in a style that they knew would work ...see more
My parents Evelyn & Tom Williams purchased a home on Carberry Avenue in 1977.