Nostalgic memories of Smallfield's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 30 in total

I lived in Smallfield during the war years, firstly in Broadbridge Cottages surrounded by barrage balloons and then New Road. My best friend was Sandra Steel, remember all the children in the road had chickenpox at the same time. We lived next to Mrs Terry (Eunice), we visited quite a lot after we moved back to London. Remember the garage at the end of the road and I think there was a Chapel. I don't suppose I would recognise it now.
My Dad was born in Smallfield and there was a common just outside where when I was a child walked over them with my Granddad and my uncle Dennis walked to the sewage farm and up the lane where I believed an elephant from the circus was buried I still have family living in Smallfield such happy times memories you hang onto c
I have very happy memories of doing part of my nurse training at Smallfields Hospital. I am trying to contact a health care assistant who worked there. Her name is Karen Williams ,she lived with her family on pig farm nearby. They made me so welcome in their home.
Such a lovely Village back in them ol' days !! I was born in Careys Wood in 61. Lavish memories of playing in Moodys Farm field (stories of Elephants being buried there ??) Wonderful Mr. Sheppard in his shop dishing out 6p worth of Cola Cubes !! Floods in the mid 60s and wading through water knee deep (to a kid !!) Father Christmas on the back of a pickup through the Winter streets. Snow at Xmas ...see more
Just after the war had finished I was a patient there with Scarlet Fever.What I do remember is an Apple Orchard between the wards, my age then would have been about 8 or 9 this would have been about 1945/46. Can anyone confirm that the Smallfield Hospital had an Infectious disease section ? Cheers Patrick. Australia
I went to this school1965/1966 best friend Kim Protheroe! Remember Katy and Simon and Andrew chitty the butchers son! He was my boyfriend! Walking down to church hall for our dinner! I was the only one who enjoyed them! Remember mental arithmetic in hall in mornings! My name was Carole southen! Any one remember?
From the other side of the world I came across this memory page of Smallfield. I worked at Smallfield Hospital 1966/67 attached to the nurses dining room. Loved working there and the people I met. Unfortunately, I have lost contact with all of them as time moves on. I lived on site and I remember my bedroom window looked out over the fields towards Gatwick Airport. And this bedroom was centrally heated with ...see more
I worked behind the bar at The Plough on a Sunday evening from around 1974 as my parents were friends of the landlords, George and Edna. George was a proper old school landlord, always dressed in a jacket and tie, and taught me the etiquacys of bar work, like never allowing the neck of a bottle to touch the glass, leaving the sediment of Worthington White Shield in the bottle unless the customer had a ...see more
My parents moved from Hackney East London to Orchard Road in 1958, I was two years old. Orchard Road connected to New Road by way of a pedestrian break in a hedge between the two roads, New Road was unmade in those early days. A gentleman in the first house on the left (as you passed into New Road) grew vegetables, I recall he sold them from the pill box adjacent to the sweet shop in the Parade on a Saturday ...see more
I remember great times. I lived at the Laurels, Smallfield Road. All I can remember is fields and fields, and opposite was The Bluebell Woods, we used to go out and walk for miles. Our family had a corgi called Lofty. He used to to to bottom of garden and burrow into the field and as I was around 3 I used to follow him and we would have an adventure. My parents could not keep us in. Mind you it didn't do us any ...see more