Nostalgic memories of Shilbottle's local history

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Displaying all 4 Memories

This photo is very special to me as it has my late grandad on it. I myself grew up in Shilbottle and have many memories of the pub. I used to have sleepovers there with two girls whose parents ran the pub in the 60's/70's. It was only one small bar then and later on they pulled the old outbuildings down and stables to make way for the lounge and car park. Previous landlords kept horses in the stable so the car park ...see more
I was born the day my parents moved to Sshilbottle. We lived at 16 Farne View but this was later changed to 16 St James Road. Nearly everyone's dad worked at the pit. Shilbottle seemed to be split in two - we had our own Church of England School, the headteacher was Mrs Vera Maclean. The pub, the Farriers Arms where my dad spent many happy weekends. There was the church, then a small green wooden shop which sold ...see more
I remember Shilbottle when, as a 5 year old, moved into 42 Farn View. The estate was unfinished and the children who moved in had one whale of a time taking the putty out of the windows every night when the workmen had gone. I still love the smell of putty, it was the 1950s play dough. Also the beautiful snowdrops which grew on the side of the road above the church made a beautiful posy for my mum. The ...see more
I met my wife, Berny, here in March 1977, so it holds very special memories for us. The Farriers Arms lounge would have quite regular discos at the time and some live music from The Fendermen, who would really pack them in. I played there on one or two occasions myself.