New Frith Photos - January 2021

These photos are either previously unseen photos, or ones that have now been checked and upgraded from the "Reference Only” category making them available in a wider range of products. In this release we bring you 890 photos of 442 places. This is part of our ongoing Digitisation Project.

See other recently uploaded photos.

In Summary

Our favourites in this Release

Other Counties:

In this release are 477 newly digitised photos of 369 UK towns, cities and villages.

Digitising the Archive

Our digitisation project has been a huge challenge, undertaken at enormous cost, without public funding. We have used state of the art technology to ensure we have captured the very finest details from every subject.

The original materials worked with have covered the gamut: hand-written ledgers and collodion glass plates, platinum, albumen & gelatin-silver prints, small format film and most things in between.

Even with the best technology and processes, handling so many delicate and varied materials has made this a slow, laborious and complex task.

Learn more about this project.

One of the digital scanners used to process the original images.
One of the digital scanners used to process the original images.
The Frith Digitisation Team in 2015.
The Frith Digitisation Team in 2015.
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