Redhill, St Anne's School 1886
Photo ref: 18928A
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A Selection of Memories from Redhill

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Redhill

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My name is Victoria Garcia. At 15 years old, I arrived at the school in the middle of winter. Coming from an all summer weather year round, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, it was a shock how cold it was. I was greeted by sister Jerome and two girls and friends, boarders as well. Jacqueline Lemaitre and Beatrice Velez. Vally Escallón previous student, came all the way from London for a day visit. Then ...see more
I used to go to Bishop Simpson School in Carlton Road in the 60's. I used to hang around with Rosemary Harrington and Jacqueline Grimble ( does that ring a bell to anyone?) My sir name then was Case!. I used to go to the baths, shall never forget those with the changing rooms round the edge of the pool (showed your feet and her head!!) Used to hide behind the bus shelter in front of the town hall until all the teachers were ...see more
I too was born at Thornton House in 1942 and Dr Watson also brought me into the world.! I went to St Mathews school and joined the church choir about 1950. spent all childhood in South St/ North Street ( next The Bell). Remember the Baths (and underwater kiss with Angela (?) who lived in Pub in London road !!, Also recall livestock market (rear Woolworths) And Saturday morning pictures at The Odeon.etc etc Bryan Elphick
I went to Bishop SImpsons in Redhill 62-67, but left to work full time in Rhythms in Reigate in the record department with Eric Jones and a lady who's name slips my mind.(I think it was Pat?) I loved music and went on to manage my own shops for several years, but always looked back to my days in Reigate. Methodist youth club on Saturday nights and the coffee bar up Bell St the YMCA and the pubs lol