Nostalgic memories of Pantymwyn's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 7 Memories

I spent most weekends and school holidays in my Nan's little caravan on Pantymwyn Caravan Park from about 1974. I remember going to Mr Rich's for a gas bottle, going to the water stand as Nan's van was a little old thing lit by gas with no running water. I remember the yearly donkey derby and just happy, happy times in the surroundings of the beautiful village. I did go back a few years ago and Mrs Rich ...see more
I grew up in Pantymwyn from the age of four in 1958 until adulthood. Even then I visited my parents frequently until I moved to Australia in 1980. My Mum was the district nurse, Nurse Hughes who was well known in the district. My father was a schoolmaster at Colomendy school, now Glan Alyn in Loggerheads. I went to school in Gwernaffield and had lovely friends in the area. We free ranged over the many walks in the area ...see more
I moved to Pantymwyn in the 70s when I was 4. I have wonderful memories of growing up there. So much so that after 20 years of travels and adventures I have once again returned to live in our beautiful village. One time I remember jumping on the back of Gareth Rich's tractor while he was bailing in the field behind my parents home. After a while there must have been 6 or 7 of us hanging off the trailer. He ...see more
We moved to Pantymwyn from Stretton near Burton on Trent in November 1947 and took up residence in a Terra Nova which was, and although now enlarged, still is a bungalow on Cefn Bychan Road. My dad worked at Jones Bailers but moved to Courtaulds Greenfield site in the early 1950's. Mum was a very active member of the local W.I. and she shopped at Rosie Lloyds shop on the Pen y ...see more
My parents lived in Pantymwyn for quite a few years, Des and Pat Persich, unfortunately both have died. My father remained in the house for a while, and remarried, hence moving away. I have very fond memories of the village, Mum was very active in the Women's Guild, I think it was called. I remember the Leete Race, and the local pub, lovely walks in the country. I'm one of their six children and live in Italy.
I vaguely recall my late father and mother telling me that the family made a temporary move from Wallasey, Wirral to Pantymwyn during the Second World War, renting a house (part of a farm) owned by a Mr Jones. It was a vain attempt to get away from the nightly bombing of Merseyside since (according to my late father) they soon discovered that one or more 'dummy' factories had been built a couple of ...see more
I have very fond memories of coming on a number of occasions to some wooden chalets in Pantymwyn, I think 3 in number. They were in a clearing in the woods and I believe they were used by employees of Liverpool Council. My father worked for Liverpool Council at the time and I remember coming with my mum and dad and 7 or 8 of their friends whom I called aunts and uncles. There were 2 sleeping huts and ...see more