Nostalgic memories of Oxshott's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 12 in total

I remember my first day at the Royal Kent School – 8th November 1948 – as recorded at entry no. 1450 in the school's original Admissions Register. It was a few weeks into the Autumn term, as in September that year I had been in hospital having my tonsils out. All my friends had started at the beginning of term so after being kept away I was really looking forward to joining them. But ...see more
I lived in Oxshott from 1943 to 1957. I was actually born in a nursing home at 1 Avenue Elmers, Surbiton, a building which has been converted to luxury flats now. My maiden name was Huitt and I had two younger sisters – Carolyn (born 1946) and Alison (born 1948). We lived at Sylvadale in the Ridgeway, which is a cul-de-sac at the bottom of Oakshade Road. The house was quite small for ...see more
My maiden name was Agnew. I was born in Great Bookham and moved to Oxshott in 1949 when I was 5. We lived in Lattice Cottage, Steels Lane, then Woodfield in the Ridgeway, finally The Spinney in Heath Road until 1970. Have so enjoyed reading the other memories - the second doctor was Dr.Berridge who was also a surgeon and sewed up my knee when I burst a blood vessel in a fall in Sally Johnson's garden - ...see more
I was fascinated to read the comments regarding Dr Lytle whom I met in the early 1980s when I was going out with his daughter Sarah. I was brought up in Thames Ditton, went to school at Kings College Wimbledon & had relatives in Esher. A few years ago, I visited Oxshott but found Wych House (the surgery in 1980) had been demolished & replaced by 2 new properties. Residents ...see more
Hi, my name is Robin Haylor. My mum, Rosemary Watling, was born in Oxshott, her parents were Albert and Gertie Watling. Mum married Roy Haylor in June 1956 at St. Andrews Church Oxshott.
As a boarder at Danes Hill School in the 60s I well remember a strange pudding we were served, the unlikely combination of Weetabix, prunes and custard which I hated! Prune stones were saved and on Sundays we were all given an old-fashioned thruppenny coin for the collection. This we saved, the prune stones went into the collection box! On Sunday afternoons we were all taken onto Oxshott Heath, dressed in ...see more
1950s generally. My aunt Nora Brown was in charge of the sweet shop at Brown's. My uncle worked with his sisters Sis and Vi in the grocery store. Happy memories of free samples when I went to see my aunt. Happy memories of riding with my uncle as he made deliveries all over Oxshott. I remember the elation when, finally, sweets went off rationing - no more coupons to clip. I was always fascinated by the ...see more
I founded an amateur film club in 1959 called Royston Films and the very first short film we made in May of 1959 was called The Runaways all about two lads who decided to run away from home following arguments with their Parents. It was shot on 9.5mm Black & White stock. This short film shows the boys camping in Oxshott Woods and also features Oxshott Railway Station and Brown's Grocery Store. At this moment ...see more
I'm trying to find any info on a E.J. Elsbury who was living at Highfield , Moles Hill Oxshott in 1957. Looking on Google Earth I can see Moles Hill, but does Highfield still exist? If not what kind of property was it? Does anyone know who E.J. Elsbury was?
My memores relate to 1950 (year of my birth) onwards. My maiden name was Lockett. I was born at The Pines, Sheath lane in 1950 (delivered by John Lytle) and about 2-3 years later my father built 'Whitethorns' on Goldrings Road. It was a wonderful road to grow up in and I had lots of friends my own age and we were always in and out of each other's houses. being out and about was safe and Oxshott Woods was a wonderful place ...see more