The Old Copper

A Memory of Mawgan Porth.

If you look at the Coastguard Cottages in the background you will see a small wash house in front of the cottages on the lower garden. In the back left hand corner of the wash house was an old large copper where my grandmother Kate Knight used to boil all of her white washing. The sheets hanging on the washing line was visible to all the traffic coming down the hill from Trevarion. My grandmother was always being complemented on how white her washing was.

Added 01 February 2010


Comments & Feedback

I would like to make contact with Anne Carthew who did her nurse training in West Herts Hospital, Hemel Hempstead. We were good friends but lost touch when I got married and I believe she went to Australia. She made the coast guard cottages sound so romantic. Can anyone help? Mieke van Woerkom (cook)

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