Lower Heyford, Freehold Street c.1960
Photo ref: L188025
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A Selection of Memories from Lower Heyford

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Lower Heyford

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Did anyone from Lower Heyford go to Bichester Secondary School in 1964-1965? I rode the bus from Upper Heyford to Bichester with Terry and Graham. I was the only American student at Bichester Secondary School, my name is Millie Venezia. I was 14 and in the 10th grade. My father was stationed at Upper Heyford and we lived on the base. If you attended please email me. I am looking for Margaret Ayton, Patrice Grace, Susan Boots, Any information is greatly appreciated.
I started school in the September after my 5th birthday. We had a school holiday in October in those days for potato picking and harvest. My mother had a few hens on Freehold Street in a piece of ground near the shed that was there at the time for the Pig Club. I ran along the road although mum told me not to; I fell down and cut my knees open. There was no cream to clean the skin then only water or ...see more
As a U.S A.F. Airman stationed at RAF Upper Heyford , I lived in the flat on the second floor above the Red Lion. Landlord was Mr. Bert Mellor. Good memories !!
In 1943 I worked on the Great Western Railway and sent by them to Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire as a locomotive fireman.  It was here that I met a young lady whose home was Lower Heyford, Oxfordshire.  She also worked in Leamington on the GWR as a Passenger Guard. This lady was later to become my wife.  After a short period of going out together she invited me to her home. Her home 112 Freehold Street, ...see more