Kessingland, The Beach c.1955
Photo ref: K137001
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A Selection of Memories from Kessingland

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Kessingland

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Whatever happened to Denes Holiday Camp, I have fond memories of picking up a Grey Green coach in Edmonton North London, (near The Regal cinema) with my parents and transported right to the door. I loved the place. I am talking early fifties when I was a young pup. I remember Bill the entertainments manager, who was really poular and seemed to be really good at his job. Over a small hump ...see more
My grandfather on my father's side, Jabez Herbert Henry Smith (known as Herbert) was born on 19th January 1885. At the tender age of 13 he was sent by his parents to take up a seven year apprenticeship at Devereux’s store in Lowestoft with a view to becoming a grocer. He eventually opened his own grocer shop “H.J.Smith” circa 1916 in the converted front room of a property known as ...see more
Have good childhood memories of two weeks camping in July/August between 1977 to 1981 with my grandparents and brother camping at Denes Holiday Camp. Looked forward to going every year and remember two girls I saw each year (Debbie and Debra) who are part of my memories. Diane
We as children from the village were allowed to use the pool and caff, grate times met lots of people. Mary