Nostalgic memories of Great Waltham's local history

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Displaying all 8 Memories

In 1967 I was sent up to the Ford Competitions Department as Resident Engineer at the age of 20. I stayed for almost a whole year in the Six Bells. The Landlord was Jack Scrase, I can't remember his wife's name. There was a son who visited sometimes and he was a lawyer, I remember he was in a TV advert for Polo mints. There was a dog, a golden retriever, that I used to take for walks, well actually he ...see more
My granddfather and great grandfather were both born in Little Waltham. My great grandfather was Ezra Brown who married Martha Rayment in 1881. I would dearly love to contact any descendants of these families. The Rayments ran the Windmill Inn at one stage. Ezra Brown was one of 11 children who were born and lived at The Bell Inn. Susan Sutton
I lived in Great Waltham for eight yrs, from 1970-1978. I have many happy memories of my childhood - the long hot summers, going for walks in the countryside and picking blackberrys. I remember my time at Great Waltham primary school and my friends, Tamiliy Hicks and Debbie Manning - we used to play Charlies Angels at playtime. I also remember the swimming pool where I first learnt to swim and ...see more
I moved to Great Waltham with my mum and dad, he was head gardener for the squire at Langleys. We lived in Cherry Trees Cottage opposite the Rose & Crown and up a set of concrete steps, for a few years but later moved to Water Falls Cottage, I think it's called North Lodge now. I have been back to view the gardens a few years ago, now it's a shame how these ...see more
Researching family history led me to Charlotte Bradley and Josiah Hawkes from Great Waltham. They married in 1871. Charlotte was a servant to the Oddie family and Josiah was an agricultural labourer from a large family. Addresses are hard to read on the census. Was there a house simply known as 28 Village ? and Chatham Green or Chatham View? I hope to visit the area sometime soon. For ...see more
My father Eric Grubb was one of three sons and two daughters of George Grubb.  (who lived until he was 100 years old). We lived in Six Bells Cottages until we were rehoused in Cherry Garden Road. My mum Gertrude worked in Snows the butchers, pictured above, making sausages! I remember Mr Butcher the policeman - Mr Moore the poacher was a family friend!  I attended the village school and Broomfield ...see more
In the late 1950's I was the village policeman at Great Waltham.   The police house was the last two-storied house at the Barrack Land end of Cherry Garden Road with my 'office'being in the kitchen and the tsble there was my desk.   Next door to us was a lovely old lady - Mrs Woods and on the other side the Hornsby family, daughter's name Jenny.     My duties in those days were not very onerous consisting ...see more
Hi i've just found out that my family originate from Great Waltham...the name is 'Hornsby'...I found this out through the ancestry website and looking at old census records...i'm hoping to come along and visit Great Waltham with my father who is a 'Hornsby' and discover where they used to live on..'Broads Green'