Gravesend, The Grove 1902
Photo ref: 49030
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A Selection of Memories from Gravesend

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Gravesend

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Before the days of viral videos and memes there was Pathe News and runaway sexism. I played for Milton Road C of E primary school football team against a team featuring (shock!) a girl. Megan was immortalised on Pathe News and you can see her here:
Hi, I was taken to St Mary‘s Nursery, Glen Park View, Leith Road, Gravesend as a baby awaiting adoption. I am curious to know more about this place but cannot find much information, if any on the internet. I know it was run by nuns and would love to hear from anyone who knew the nursery, was placed there as a baby too, or even better worked there. I was there from February 1972 until the end of March 1972. Any information would be greatly appreciated Many Thanks Alison
HI my dad was at St.Marys i think between 1945 and 1952 when he was then "shipped" to Freemantle Australia. Just wondered if anyone remembers him. He then ended up at Bindoon Western Australia
Hello, I wonder if anyone remembers Patrick David Mackay, better know as Patrick Mackay, he was born in 1952. He lived in Gravesend briefly in the mid 60's and 70's. I would like to know if someone or a relative had experience meeting him, before being sentenced to life imprisonment for a wave of crimes. Thank you very much.