Fulham, Clem Attlee Court c.1965
Photo ref: F69024
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Memories of Fulham, Clem Attlee Court c1965

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Fulham, Clem Attlee Court c.1965

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I lived at what I think was 74 or 73 Garvan Road in the late 1950s early 1960s. My dad owned the house and we had a family living upstairs and I recall their surname was Parsons. Next door was a friend of mine and his name was Jonny Douglas. Our house backed onto Laundry Road which was a dead end. We mostly played in Laundry Road. I can remember going along the back of the houses in the summer where we brought toffee ...see more
My dad ted williams was born in bayonne road next door to the Baptist church. I was born in garvan road December 1949. My mums mum lived four doors away and my aunts all lived in fulham, it was a close neighbourhood but in a more formal way in that you never became too intrusive my parents always referred to neighbours as mr or mrs.. My brothers and sister all have fond memories of playing rounders, ...see more
Hi, I'm researching my family, who I have recently discovered lived on Bayonne Road, Fulham during the 1940's and 1950's (maybe before and after as well). I would love to hear from anybody that knows of them, or who has memories of what Bayonne Road would have been like back then. They were the Harringtons. I'm particularly interested in Rose, who married in to the Kelly family. My email is singlemumwithalitter@gmail.com Alexandra
Family moved into in 59 and a I came along in 62. Remember the blue, red & green blocks (blue was best lived @ 138, 1st floor). Many happy memories and friends to name a few- the obies, cowie, graves, wallers, king, paddy (can't remember his surname, had 2 sisters) clutterbuck, Jenny from the green block, constable, Dixon, etc,etc. running the porters ragged, the 3 I remember most were-bill, taffy & tie. Went to ...see more