Fairford, St Mary's Church And Mill c.1950
Photo ref: F145001
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The joy of Fairford is its ornate wool church, built in the latter part of the 15th century by John Tame, a wealthy cloth merchant. No other church in England boasts such a wonderful array of early stained glass, 28 examples in all, telling the Christian story from the Creation to the Day of Judgement.

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A Selection of Memories from Fairford

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Fairford

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Mum, Connie Bridges, grew up here and married Peter Nelson in 1947. I was born in London, briefly lived in Fairford and visited grandparents often for holidays. Now live and married in Denver Colorado for 35 years. Just returned for holiday to stay with Mark and Barbara Bridges (cousin) and Peggy Bridges (Aunt).
I was born at 6 Victory Villas 8/25/47 My Mom, Iris Law, married an American serviceman and we moved to Boston in 1963. I still miss Fairford and consider it my home. Attended all the local schools. Remember those walks to school and getting in trouble for having walnut stains on my hands. My brother Tim fell out of a tree into the middle of the cricket pitch one time. I had the best childhood, we did not have a ...see more
Can anyone help me with a photo or information re the folowing? We rented a small 300 year old cottage in Fairford. From the main square, one would turn left and the cottage was down on the right in front of a convent. It had a hand pump for the water in the kitchen and the only toilet was at the end of the garden, which was quite a long way. Facing the cottage and looking to the right was a ...see more
My family moved to Fairford with Rev Gibbs? 1937, I always lived at Victory Villas, went to infants school, Farmors School and Cirencester Grammar School, worked at Busbys garage. I love the pictures of Fairford. I remember the walnut trees and wonder how we didn't get really hurt when we would stand under the trees and throw up rocks to knock down the nuts. I ...see more