The King And Tinker. Whitewebbs Lane
A Memory of Enfield.
The Ballad of King James 1st and the Tinkler.
And now to be brief, let's pass over the rest,
Who seldom or never were given to jest,
And come to King Jamie, the first of our throne,
A pleasanter monarch sure never was known.
As he was a hunting the swift fallow deer,
He dropped all his nobles, and when he got clear,
In hope of some pastime, away he did ride,
Till he came to an ale-house hard by a wood-side,
And there with a Tinkler he happened to meet,
And him in kind sort he so freely did greet,
Now pray thee, good fellow, what hast in thy jug,
Which under thy arm thou dost lovingly hug?
In truth, said the Tinkler, 'tis nappy brown ale,
And to drink to thy good health, faith, I will not fail,
For although thy jacket looks gallant and fine,
I hope that my two-pence is as good as thine.
Nay, by my sole, man, the truth shall be spoke,
And straightway the monarch sat down for to joke,
He called for his pitcher, the Tinkler another,
And so they went to it like brother and brother.
While drinking, the king he was pleased to say,
What news, honest fellow? come tell me pray,
There's nothing of news, except that I hear
The King is a-hunting the fair fallow deer.
And truly I wish I so happy may be,
That whilst they are hunting the King I may see,
For though I have travelled the land many ways,
I never saw the King, sir, in all my old days.
The King, with a hearty brisk laugh, then replied,
I tell thee honest fellow, if thou canst but ride,
Thou shalt get up behind me, and thee I will bring
To the presence of Jamie, thy sovereign King.
Perhaps, said the Tinkler, his Lord will be drest
So fine that I shall not know him from the rest.
I tell thee, honest fellow, when thou dost come there,
The King will be covered, the nobles all bare.
Then up got the Tinkler, and likewise his sack,
His budget of leather and tools at his back,
And when they came to the merry green wood,
The nobles came round him and bareheaded stood.
The Tinkler then seeing so many appear,
Immediately whispered the King in the ear,
Saying, Since they are all clothed so gallant and gay,
Which is the King? come tell me pray.
The King to the Tinkler then made the reply,
By my soul, man, it must either be you or I.
The rest are uncovered you see, all around.
This said, with the budget he fell to the ground.
Like one that was frightened quite out of his wits,
Then up on his knees he instantly gets,
Beseeching for mercy - the King to him said,
Thou art a good fellow, so be not afraid.
Come tell me thy name, It is John of the Vale,
A mender of kettles and lover of good ale,
Then rise up Sir John, I will honour thee here,
And create thee a Knight of five hundred a year.
This was a good thing for the Tinkler indeed,
Then unto the Court he was sent with all speed,
Where great store of pleasure and pastime was seen,
In the Royal presence of both King and Queen.
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