Nostalgic memories of Dagenham's local history

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 141 in total

I went to Lymington school 1957=1961 met my wife at the school and have been married 51 yrs Mr White put a comment in her end of year report “being distracted “ hey mr white I was the distraction, eat your heart out my wife Joy Hicks was in his class and won a Italic fountain pen for her hand writing oh happy days
My grandparents moved from Plaistow to Rylands estate during the war after being bombed out. Their name was Harris and they lived at 192 oval road north. My mother was married from there at old Dagenham fathers name was Simpson and his mother lived I think in second avenue. She was widowed and married the next door neighbor who's name was Colman. I lived with my grandparents till I was eleven, next door ...see more
I worked after school and Saturdays at Gillings Fishmongers (7 Station Parade) in late 70’s / early 80’s. Either side we had the Gas Shop and Jaspa (Clothing). Most of the traders on the Heathway came in for their fish and chips on Friday so you got to know them well. A very friendly community. I recall most shops closing half day on Thursday afternoons. Arthur Day ran the sweet shop between John Collier and Tesco. ...see more
I went to DCHS from 1955-1960 and was in the choir for all years. I was also in Midsummer Night's Dream in 1956 as a fairy Peaseblossom. I remember Mr Weeks, Grainger, Riley, both Cooks, Pugh, Dakin, Tanner, Williams, Cork, Harper, Day, Anstey and a very nasty female gym teacher. I also remember the friendly groundman Charlie and the time when some boys placed a stuffed "body" on the roof and Charlie had to get it down.. I now live in a Chicago suburb.
Started working for tcl in gairloch. Ted reedy was the je cable jointer I was training as his assistant. I wasn't very good but Ted was exceedingly demanding. Eventually he got fed up with me. I was sent down to join a team of lads in the south west of England. Charles Griffith (Chas) being notable also Stu (Stuart) I presume. We had fabulous times if anybody has any news of these guys I'd love to know more
I REMEMBER THE NAME O'DELL AND WHEN I SAW THE ADDRESS IT RANG BELLS. I LIVED IN FARM CLOSE AND MY NAME WAS MARGARET CLARK . OUR NEIGHBOURS WERE THE WOODARDS, THE READES, HART, MARKS, JAMES, BUTCHER. Others on the estate were the Watsons,, Pages, Pocket, Bloomfield and Dunning to name but a few. There was still a farm when we moved there. ' Maddocks Farm', Rookery Farm obviously took its name from that. ...see more
Hi I'm sorry this is not a memory but I am looking for someone called Chris he lived around defendants in the 80s long blonde curly hair had a friend called Dave with dark hair he owned a pick up truck which I believe was red, he would have been born in late 50s very early 60s I know it's a long shot but if anyone even has the slightest vague memory it could help please my email is
I used to live st 30 Rogers Road and attended Richard Alibon school, my first teacher there was Mrs Rees a right strict woman, no talking in class she had a hard sharp face with greying blonde hair in a bun, Mrs Bell was the Headteacher, Mrs Ashford the secretary, Mr Catchpole was the caretaker he had a yellow Labrador who came on all his rounds with him, he won a lot of money on the football ...see more
My family came from the Merry Fidlers Dagenham, My Aunt lived in the Limes on Nanny Goat Common, My Nan lived in the cottages opposite the pub, and several of my aunts also lived in the cottages, We used to watch the football and boxing from my Nans window as it overlooked the grounds which is now the swimming pool. We used to paddle in the little ponds each side of the Town Centre.
I attended Eastbrook from 1959 to 1964, after Richard Alibon Juniors, Dickie Davis was my first form teacher and my memory of him is he always carried a cane, he was one of the few teachers that would give you the stick himself rather than send you to the headmaster, Mr. Curry?? Dickies catch phrase, which he would say whilst shaking his cane and looking up to the ceiling was 'Sit up and shut up'. The religious ...see more