Cynwyd, The Village c.1950
Photo ref: C372022
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A Selection of Memories from Cynwyd

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cynwyd

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I have a photo taken in 1959 of my mother outside the boarded up cottage in Mill Street where she was born in 1920. My Grandparents moved there around 1918 from Pontypridd. I can remember that it was down by the river and looking back up towards the bridge which must of been the old one as visiting there a few years ago all I could see looking over the new one was a few stones. I presume that was the remains of the houses that were down the original lane.
Does anyone have memories of my great grandmother Ellen Evans, my granddad David Evans, my grandma Florence Evans, a great uncle Bill and his wife Nancy? Iam trying to compile my family tree without much success. I would be so grateful for any information. I do remember going to Cynwyd in 1971 to my great aunt Jane's funeral who I think was granddad's sister.
The Youth Hostel in Cynwyd was a converted watermill. It was very old and very damp and I stayed there one wet weekend in April 1967 with my girlfriend Angela Chapuis as we were heading towards Snowdon. I had a top bunk and banged my head on the low roof beams! What a wet weekend! The memory lingers as the following day we moved on from Cynwyd and stayed at Llanberis before our attempt on Snowdon. The weather was ...see more