Nostalgic memories of Crowborough's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 34 in total

I was an nneb nursery nurse at Harecombe Manor between 1964/65. Mrs. Toubia was the Matron and Miss Helps the assistant Matron. The older children were split into family groups of between 5 to 8 children. I was very sad to see the building has gone as it was beautiful. My bedroom was in the front at the top. It belonged in those days to the London borough of Southwark.
I lived here from 1970 to 1973 The boys I remember were Malcolm Wilkins, Philip Eldridge, Henry fuller, Sean Cope. Teachers were Mr Laycock, Mr Hanner, Mr Trelforth, Mr Clegg, Mr Beardsall and Miss McGuiness. Mrs Fionet was the secretary. I remember the cloakroom we all sat down in one day as someone had stolen Miss McGuiness' purse !!!! She found it !!! Days out at Toad Rock, Tunbridge ...see more
Does anyone know anything about Hookstead School? My mother's aunts ran it in the 1930s and my mother and her brother spent Christmasses and summer holidays there as children. I'd love to know the history of the place!
When I was a young boy, my parents were connected to a David Walsh, who kindly drew a picture of me riding on a tractor (I loved tractors) heading out into the yonder. Does anyone recall David and if so, has any history/contact info for him?
Just bumped into this site and found comments written by my cousin, Nicholas Back - where are you now? Toni
I remember going into the Book Club while waiting for the bus to go down Crowborough Hill. We occasionally missed the bus if we got too engrossed in a book. We used to get off the bus from Tunbridge Wells and then take another bus that went to Jarvis Brook. We used to get off at the end of Green Lane because we lived near Poundfield Post Office. I remember when the Book Club moved to other premises and ...see more
Hi I remember your father and your sister Penny, who I saw living locally about 25 years ago. I remember Little Luxford and could have produced the name before you mention it. I had a good friend who lived there just before you. I have memories of the book club, including when stuck I’ll in bed ,asking my younger brother to buy a copy of Lady C. Miss S had refused and my mother knew what I had done very soon ...see more
I came to Crowboroughwhen I was eight in 1942. My father who was in the army had been posted to the area. Initially for a few weeks we rented the Beacon School ( it must have been during the holidays as no one was there ) I particularly remember the gym where there was a vaulting horse and wall bars. We then went to live with the Hunt family. Mr Hunt, then retired, had one time been headmaster of a prep ...see more
I had the huge displeasure of being sent to Warden House School in Crowborough Sussex. I ran away from the school on several occasions. The head master was Alan H Long. His wife Biddy and two daughters Rosemary and one whose name I cannot remember. It was a dreadful school - actually vile and cruel. If you would like more of the sordid details let me know. Mike
My Mum worked at this Hotel as a barmaid for many years, and behind the pub was a hall used by Henry Fermer school of which i was a pupil. When KIng George V1 died i found out from my Mum in 1951. I attended the above school until 1955 when i went to the Crowborough county secondary school, my favourite subject was sport, and i was school captain for the football team. I had a paper round when i was ...see more