Nostalgic memories of Crayford's local history

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Displaying all 10 Memories

I loved the walk into Crayford High Street at the walk at back way - it was so nice as a child, not built on. Went back years later, sorry to say ruined, but I do have a memory of the swan getting shot, it was a big shock to all. Not much has changed really. I remember what we called the flea house - only place in Crayford, my aunt used to, in old times, work at this place, and yelling when the film broke lol. I used to ...see more
I lived right next to Dartford heath but used to cycle to Craçwford sometime s we had a few day trips on Timpsons coaches ,I worked at j c bceadles until the factory closed. Very sad times.
There is a short video of the old school in Iron Mill Lane, Crayford entitled: St Paulinus School old building on Iron Mill Lane, Crayford.
Does anyone remember the monkey on tbe loose on Crayford Way, late 50s. Quite a lot of excitement at the time. Police made us stay in doors.. Diane Cole. (Cook)
I have very fond memories of Crayford particularly going to St Paulinus School down Iron Mill Lane. I was just a little boy but my father's work took us all over England at the time, and unfortunately we only stayed in a town for a few months but we lived in Crayford for about 3 years. In that time I made some wonderful friends but lost contact with them when we moved from Crayford. I ...see more
My friends and I spent many happy hours in a tin boat that my brother made for me, paddling up and down between the two bridges at riverside Crayford. Often we would use our nets to catch sticklebacks and shrimps but always with wellington boots as the river had broken bits of glass. Often the river was coloured by dyes being dumped further up stream.
Whilst my mum and dad were in Crayford Social club I would often go to the Parade Fisheries which was owned by a Mr Parker and prepare newspapers ready for wrapping up fish and chips for the customers; for this service I would receive either a Telfers pie or fish and chips. I would then rejoin my mother in the Ladies Room of Crayfrod Social club (in those days women were not allowed into the bar area!)
Does anyone remember the elephants walking from Crayford Station along Crayford Way to the circus at Slade Green.
At leas,t for as long as I can remember - there's always been a chip shop on the Parade at Crayford. Just like there's always been on the corner of Station Road - a little way further through the town - if you can call Crayford a town. There was another that we used to call Greasy Lils - only ever went there once and for good reason. But it was many a time I went into the chip shop on the Parade ...see more
My mother's sisters (and she had a number of them) all seemed to live in Crayford - Aunts Mag, Martha, Maud, Rose, Phyllis, Violet and Freda. My favourite aunt lived in Iron Mill Lane and she had four children - Harold, Leslie, Margaret and Ann. We visited often. Next door to her house was a sweet shop where one of my younger cousins, Violet, helped out on Saturdays and earned half a crown for doing so. In the ...see more