Nostalgic memories of Chapel-en-le-Frith's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 12 in total

I lived here in the 80's it was a bed and breakfast accommodation for people on benefits and as a single mum who had moved up from Sussex it was the most quiet and delightful. Mr Richard Andrew's was the owner and he was forever running around fixing and building walls to make it so pleasent to live there. My oldest son was almost born in the room on the right on the ground floor, I have many fond memories of living in Bankhall and have always wanted to move back.
Hi, I have fond memories of bank hall. Mr Brennan, hard but fair. Ian Sullivan (ginge), Derek matthews, les weir. Anyone want a catchup I'm on facebook, or contact me Hi, been talking to a few old faces, would anyone be interested in meeting up in Liverpool, maybe the cavern on Matthew street? If you do, ask anyone you know who went to bank hall if they would be interested. Was thinking maybe end February or early March.
Wow, what a surprise to see this place on here! Hi lads, it's brought some memories back and (sorry about the spelling - should've listened to the staff ha,ha). Hope you are all doing well and in good health. I really miss that place. I've seen a few of you over the years; some I remember, others I don't. Does anybody have any photos? Look not a big writer so with that to all I remember and I ...see more
Well, I hope all lads from Bank Hall meet up one day to have a chat about good times and bad times. If any staff would like to meet it would be good to tell some of them some home truths; but a few of them were really good. My last thing I wrote someone did not like what I had to say cos it was took off this site, and that his wrong cos what I put was the truth.
My name is Paul Oates. Well, K.B. and G.P. made my life hell. Only one that was good was Mr Lucas, he was great. Me, Ray Lynch, Mick Duffy and Paul Wattkinson was always running off, but K.B. was like a blood hound and found you; then you had to pick what you wanted to be hit with; belt, slipper or hairbrush does anyone relate to that? He was tough and G.P. would pick you up with your ears, but me and lads ...see more
Hi Lads, It's great that after all this time there's been some contact in relation to school days at Bank Hall. It would be really good to meet up as Carl suggested, time is flying by and if I leave it much longer I will never make it up that steep drive! I keep in touch with Carl Boland and Phil Carney but haven't seen or heard of anyone else. Hope to see you all soon, all the best, Tim Shepperd.
Hi it's Ian Richards (Richie) just come onto this site to my amusement. I loved everyday at Bank Hall and all my mates that were there. Ashy, Any Renwick, Carl Myers, Phil Astridge, Coxy and all the other boys that I can't remember. Remember when we used to give all the housemothers cuddles and we used to snuggle into their tits, and when it came to classes we were all in the woods and no one could find us smoking. Mr Lucas, Mr Lowery, Mr Denver and the one and only Kevin ingenious Brennan.
My days at Bank Hall. I found it great place and a great group of lads there, all the things we did, good and bad we all where still there for each other and Tom, it was Ashcroft (ashy) not Aston. I was Pete Lucas's pet, we always played chess for 10p a game and he always let me win lol. Things we did, "well there is too much to tell". I remember going to the railway station every day to ...see more
Seeing this view in all weathers, as year on year we climbed up on Good Friday for an inter-church gathering round a wooden cross "planted" for the Easter weekend.
Bank Hall School 1977 to its close in 1980, I remember the head, Mr Brennan, and his wife living in the house just next to the the main house, also Peter Lucas, Pete Denver, Mr Lowery. There were a few women there at the time, I remember a girl house-mother called Pippa, her mother worked there too. As I remember, the beds were all woodchip and painted red and blue. I remember Mr Barrett, a teacher not ...see more