Braughing, The Village c.1950
Photo ref: B411304
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A Selection of Memories from Braughing

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Braughing

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My great friend Mr Vernon Blyth passed away in 2017 (Vernon Frederick Raymond Blyth 15/02/28- 31/01/17). In the year prior to Vernon’s death, I made a short video with him. In this he relates being evacuated from London to Braughing to stay with his ‘Aunt Madge (who I believe was married to Henry Clarke) during the Second World War. As an evacuee Vernon worked on a farm (Cox’s Orange ...see more
I was evacuated to Bury Farm, to a lovely family, the Oakleys. It was one of the happiest times of my life and I still visit, although most of the family have moved away some still remain. The village has changed after all this time but still has so many happy memoriers for me that I will always love it. I am now in my seventy seventh year and recently went to a 90 birthday party of Doris Tott who is the eldest ...see more