Bracknell, Shopping In The Crossway c.1965
Photo ref: B172093M
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A Selection of Memories from Bracknell

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bracknell

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Bracknell Swimming Pool was created by my Great Uncle Ernest Noyes who was married to my Great Aunt Mary Spong. Her niece Margaret Irene Spong who later married Jack Hayward was my mother and she used to take us here on the train from Camberly where we lived. I have wonderful memories of those times with all my Bracknell family including Henrietta Snooks my great great grandmother married to Charles Spong. ...see more
I was born in 1961. I moved away in 1986. Looking back at the pictures reminds me of the fun I had as a child. We used to play at a place we called 'the splash', down by kennel Lane. I spent hours down there, you could look at the farm field across the stream, bet its all gone now. I also played at jocks Lane. I went to nursery near to priest Wood shops and was a cub at 4th bracknell. I saw all the changes that were ...see more
I lived in elmtree crescent in in 1972 I used to go to elmtree infants shool named then Elizabeth plackett remember walking under the old railway bridge and scared it was going to fall as a train came over p's still trying to trace my father worked in the batchworth arms Rickmansworth in 1966 with his mother he was spanish and came from barcalona
My name is Dan Ingram and I was the owner of Kiddies Korner ,the first of the new shops to open in the town centre.We were subjected to strict control of materials etc, by the Development Corporation. I am aware a number of people recall the shop,I have read many comments on various web sites,but would love to hear even more views.Does anyone remember the 1st and subsequent Toy Fairs we put on ...see more