Billingham, The Statue c.1970
Photo ref: B315073
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A Selection of Memories from Billingham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Billingham

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I was lucky enough to attend Bede Hall. We had a terrific staff team in those days - Clive Bell, Peter Dixon, the late Annie Woodward et al. The whole experience was mind blowing, as the mix of administered and self discipline was a whole new ball game. I have to say, it worked very well at the time, although educational policies seem to have been in a rapid downward spiral ever since. What a shame! The ...see more
I often sit now in the town centre and ponder on the days gone by .. not that I'm that old but Billingham has sadly aged quicker than a tired old dog. The Forum Theatre, and the big name stars that visited it then, are now faded memories, just like the Forum's splendour. I can remember the fish pond and fountains that were adjacent to Woolworths, the monkey cages and glass reptile houses ...see more
I was still a teenager, 17 years old and my baby brother at school at Bede Campus. I escaped the campus by virtue of it not having been completed when I passed the 11+. The town centre in Billingham was still being built, and we used to hang out in the park - John Whitehead. In those days, pleasures were simple, roller skate in the street (though not when neighbours were on nightshift and so still ...see more
Billingham Campus School consisted of four halls - Bede, pictured in the foreground, Davy behind and Faraday furthest away.  The fourth hall, Stephenson was about 800 yards away, not pictured.  There was a sports block with a swimming pool which can just be seen to the left of this photograph.