Ambleside, Stock Ghyll Force c.1860
Photo ref: 508
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A Selection of Memories from Ambleside

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Ambleside

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My son Matthew provided the opportunity to once again retrace our well worn steps around this beautiful county and in particular The Lake District. As is our norm it was non-stop driving and walking, although walking is now less attractive to me as old father time lessens my ability to trek as I once did. The "Striding Edge" and "Scafell Pike" just distant memories now as we shuffled around ...see more
Hi there. My name is Amaia López de Munain. I'm a spanish journalist based in Glasgow. I'm researching about Mairin (also known as Marion) Mitchell, she was born in 1895 in Ambleside. She was the daughter of Dr. Thomas Houghton Mitchell born in Limerick and Gertrude Emily Pease (Gertrude Mitchell). They had a son Edward PH Mitchell who died in the WWI at 20 years old (Second Liutenant in the R.A.F) and two more ...see more
I have just been going through some old photos of my dads. He grew up in Ambleside in the 1930’s and 1940’s. His dad was the local bank manager I believe. He lived in a house called Merewood Cottage. I was wondering if anyone knew where this is. He also mentions a house called Bank House. Any information anyone could share would be very welcome.
We as a family first stayed at Rothay Manor in Ambleside in 1953 and it was then that I had my first experiences in fell walking, trout fishing and negotiating the nearby "Stepping Stones" across the river Rothay. Climbing proper was out of the question, a sport reserved for those qualified in this hazardous pastime. I was present in the Lake District on 23rd July 1955 when Donald Campbell ...see more