Aldborough, Thwaite, All Saints' Church c.1955
Photo ref: A278014X
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A Selection of Memories from Aldborough

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Aldborough

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My mother and her mother were born in my great-grandparents' cottage at Hanworth Common. Richard and Blanche Craske they were. Well dear old Richard was really my step great grandad. The true one was Charles Pitcher but he died in 1894. I've traced the maternal male line back to Abraham Pitcher, born in 1791 at Thurgarton. I lived with my mother Mary [nee Riches], my younger brother and ...see more
Myself and my 2 sisters and my brother lived in cottages at Hall Road near Aldborough Hall. We all use to walk all the way to Aldborough School in all weathers. My brother's name was Alan and my sisters' names were Ann and Gillian. We had a wonderful childhood. My parents eventually moved to a council house just passed the Black Boys public house. We use to love the fairs that used to come on to the ...see more
I lived here as a teenager betweern1998 - 2000, an amazing place. I haven't been back yet but will do at some time in the future. Aldborough holds a lot of special memories for me, the people are charming and the village even more charming.
Does anyone remember Juliette Issacs? I am trying to find her, we lost touch in 1986. I remember she lived here and I used to visit often. She had 3 brothers, one called Simon, and her dad was called John. I would appreciate any info.