Ackworth, The School c.1955
Photo ref: A117007
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A Selection of Memories from Ackworth

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Ackworth

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My grandparents (Mr and Mrs Scorah) used to live in Town End Avenue, Low Ackworth. I remember visiting them with my mother, while my dad was at war. We used to catch the bus from Scunthorpe to Waterdale, Doncaster. Then we would dash to north bridge bus station to catch the South Yorkshire bus to East Hardwick. At East Hardwick my grandad met us, where we had to go over a stile and across fields, this was a ...see more
My grandad, William Gent, was born in the old police station in Station Lane in 1915. My relatives lived in the lane at the time. And we now know why we are drawn to this town.
In the 1950s every summer school holiday my parents used to drive up to Ackworth, drop us kids off with our grandparents and pick us up 6 weeks later. I loved every minute of it. Coming from the hustle and bustle of Portsmouth it was like a breath of fresh air. Eric and Annie, or Little Nan as we called her, were much loved. Grandad used to take me down to the North family farm where he worked. I can remember having ...see more