Sudbury, The Swimming Pool c.1965
Photo ref: S472061
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A Selection of Memories from Sudbury

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Stepped off the train at Sudbury Station accompanied by my then boyfriend, who came from Monks Eleigh. We went to get the bus from the Market Hill. It was a Rules Coach. This photo is almost identical to the first memory I have of Sudbury, having been brought up in Kent, and being stationed in London in the Army myself, at Mill Hill Barracks NW7, and working in the Ministry of ...see more
I have a Bible presented to Mr Clarence Henry Merrill upon his admission to the freedom of the company by patrimony. This was presented to him and signed by A.W Barrett, Master, Salters Hall 6th December 1888. Anyone know anything about these men? The Bible then went to Clarence Denbigh, then on to Mrs Edward Denbigh. It passed through the Merrill family in the U.S. I would like to return it to a historical society if any one is interested! Nancy Taylor
SUDBURY 591/0/10020 GREAT WALDINGFIELD 21-NOV-05 HOLE FARM II House. Formerly a mid-C15 service building remodelled as a house in c.1600; later C17 extension to west; c.1970 jettied cross-wing. Two storeys. The building is of timber-framed construction, rendered, with a plain tile roof, hipped at the east end and two lateral brick stacks. The plan ...see more
William was born in 1812 in England and, at the time od his marriage, was a parishioner of Great Conard, Suffolk. He married Frances Honer Witts on the 26th November 1834 in St Peter's in the Parish of Sudbury, Suffolk, with the curate, H.W. Wilkinson, performing the ceremony.  Frances was a parishioner of Sudbury, William was of the Parish of Great Conard.  Witnessess for the ceremony were ...see more