Share your memories or experience of the Coronation

We invite you to share your tributes, reflections and memories of this year's Coronation or those from the past. Maybe you remember the coronation in 1953 and have a story to tell? We show two examples of memories contributed by others below, or you can browse what has already been added.

We moved to 2 Bower Cotts Balls Green about 1950. My dad was employed by the owner of Duckings, the farm situated opposite the entrance to station road. Nos. 1 and2 Bower Cotts were up on the bank almost opposite the school which was run by Mrs Gabb ( I think). I remember the Queens Coronation celebrations at Kings Hall where I received my coronation mug and the owner of Duckings had the old elsan toilet ...see more
At the age of 12 I was a patient at Treloars in Alton, having been diagnosed as having TB knee - a clout with a cricket ball was a little more serious than just a swollen knee, and I was sent to Treloars in Alton. All the patients there at that time were in for the long haul - polio, TB in various bones, rheumatoid arthritis and other orthopaedic problems. I was required to lie flat on ...see more