Perth, North Inch 1962
Photo ref: P46604
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A Selection of Memories from Perth

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Perth

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i was born at mill cottages 28 sep 1956 we moved to 3 castle brae where we used to play around the castle mr ransom was the care taker 1960s we used to get a drink of water from the well below the castle great times and memories
I remember when I was a wee girl we lived at No. 5 Hawarden Terrace. I used to push my wee trike up the hill and then ride down to the bottom with my feet off the pedals, much to the horror of my mother. As an adult I realize now that there wasn't much of a hill on Hawarden Terrace, but back then it seemed SO STEEP! I also remember the allotments across from our house, and the Shand boys who used to take me inside and ...see more
I was born and grew up in Perth, going to Caledonian Road Primary School and then to Perth High School. I lived in South Methven Street until I was about 12 when we moved to Muirton. My teenage years were spent visiting coffee bars (there were loads) with my friends, ice skating a couple of times a week, pictures on a Friday night and dancing in the City Hall. We later went to see pop groups who came to the City Hall. ...see more