Hawarden Terrace
A Memory of Perth.
I remember when I was a wee girl we lived at No. 5 Hawarden Terrace. I used to push my wee trike up the hill and then ride down to the bottom with my feet off the pedals, much to the horror of my mother. As an adult I realize now that there wasn't much of a hill on Hawarden Terrace, but back then it seemed SO STEEP!
I also remember the allotments across from our house, and the Shand boys who used to take me inside and we'd pick people's berries and veggies - again, much to the horror of my mother.
Bath time was in the kitchen sink, and I can remember asking my Mum to close the curtain, as I was sure the boys playing football could see me. I was 4. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Another time I fell off a steam roller in Jeanfield park and sprained my ankle.
I live in Canada now, and miss Perth.
Karen Cookson (Miller)
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