Nostalgic memories of Hampton Wick's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 13 in total

My mother remembers the Bearsted maternity hospital well, in spite of her being dreadfully unwell when she was there, being pregnant, with as it turns out, twins in 1951. Unfortunately, only one twin survived(me). My mum is now 93, and would dearly love to know where my twin sister would have been buried. She was too ill to know much about anything at the time, and my dad, now deceased didn’t know ...see more
I'm christophers sister Valerie dunn was baggott.we loved living in Hampton wick .it was fun having dinner in the restaurant -we could order anything we wanted..i nearly allways had sausage beans and chips.we use to play in bushy park and meet mates there. before we lived in the restaurant we lived down park road .number 27 i think opposite the dancing school which is still there .my friend susan ...see more
As my mother father and sister lived in Queens Road, Thames Ditton, there local maternity hospital was Bearsted Memorial Hospital which is where I entered the world on a foggy night in late October 1958. My father worked at the local American airbase at Bushey Park. He was one of a few drivers that would meet the a transatlantic plane from New York ( useualy Pan American airlines) on the runway at Heathrow and ...see more
I have always felt very proud to have been born at this hospital in 1955. My mother told me that on the day of my birth a WW11 bomb was being excavated and consequently I was moved to Kingston Hospital. Nonetheless I always get a buzz from telling people I was born in Hampton Court.
the year i was born in bearstead memorial hosp hampton court .my father worked for some time in hampton court castle ,as a carpenter,my mothers maiden name was sibley, i,ve often wondered if i was jewish ? i remember her mother sitting in her corner of the dineing room dressed all in black .wolsey road hampton hill , which we later moved in after her death ,all her and some of my mothers friends were i think ? ...see more
I was born at Bearstead Hospital in 1954, my mother always reminded me that as we were not of that faith she made it quite clear to the hospital that she wanted me to remain 'intact' - well she thought it was funny. I have some records I found on the internet ( ) about the hospital which is close to or possibly the same building called ...see more
I remember the old Kingston of the seventies. I remember very fondly the entrance to the old Bentalls store in Fife Road - as you walked in you saw the two beautiful staircases, and to the right you saw the lifts operated by an employee. Other things like Frank and Manny's cafe on the corner of Kingston Station, the old bus garages, the sight as you come over Kingston Bridge at Christmas time, i e the lights on the ...see more
Does anyone know what happened to the beautiful Water Carrier and Child drinking fountain that stood in the Market Place? Also the Angel memorial that stood in the window of Paines Undertakers, approx where Icelands is now, it was opposite what is now Kingfisher Swimming baths, it was then the Cattle Market.
Yes Thomas, we lived in the Magnolia Rest. We used to get a lot of the Bushy Park crowd in my parents' place, thought I would share the memory.
I used to live in the Magnolia as my mum and dad owned it. I have a lot of memories of living there.