Nostalgic memories of Dudley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

There was a fruit wholesaler in Tower Street. Think it may have been Southalls. I remember being taken as a child to see the huge cart horses dressed up for May Day. They looked spectacular with their gleaming coats, plaited manes, decorated harnesses and shiny hooves. This was the beginning of my lifelong love for horses.
My father worked for the Midland Bank in the market place. He, my mother and I lived in a flat above the bank. The only entrance to the flat was a metal fire escape behind the bank. Must have been a nightmare for mum and Dad when I started toddling!!
I remember when Birdcage Walk was first opened. My husband John and his father William cleaned the Windows of most of the shops there. It was like a little community, it had everything. Paper shop, wet fish shop, butchers, clothes shops and even the Dudley Herald newspaper office was there. Happy days.
Hi, I too attended The Park School and remember Miss Napier. I also remember Miss Wright ~ P.E.."Gabby Haynes" ~Music.I left in 1958. I was then Carol Roden. Any one else remember ?
I was born in Dudley West Midlands, up till the age of 7 yrs old I lived in Cannock staffs. when my Dad changed jobs we came back to Dudley, My mother became a church Caretakers for the Congration church, which isn't there now, we moved from there and went to live in The high street, on the Highside, which is now a Garden, I remember my mum taking me to Dudley zoo about 3 times a year, I ...see more
Wolverhampton Street seemed to almost be a village on its own. There was Burgins and Bytherways newagents, Masseys wet fish shop, Davis's grocers, Smiths greengrocers, Sherratts electrical, Bryans diy, Robinsons cakes, Abrhams cobblers, Hoffs and Falcon furniture shops, Wainwrights bike shop, Edwards butchers, Parkes electrical repairs and Piolis ice cream shop and cafe and hairdressers, Shelleys and ...see more
Hi. I am looking to contact old school friends Joan Blake, Brenda Green, Pat Brown, Shirley Newlands, I would like to hear from you. Aileen
I was born in 6 Hedgefield View, Dudley on 4th January 1947, this is where my life's journey started and at 5 years of age I attended the junior school, then the secondary modern (or the big school as it was known locally), leaving in 1961. Growing up was a very eventful process and I recall many happy times as well as many not so happy times. At the big school there were many teachers who stood out but none more so than ...see more
We used to use both Dudley cinemas a lot when we were students from 1967-70. The trouble was that we had to be back at our hall of residence by 10 o'clock, and nearly always missed the ends of the films. I catch up with them on the TV now!
I used to use this bank when I was a student at Dudley Colege from 1967-1970.