Nostalgic memories of Dagenham's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 141 in total

Hi folks. I'm an old Dagenham native and a previous student at the Eastbrook School in Dagenham. I now live and work in Seattle and am actually writing my memoirs, which include my school days there. I've Google searched everywhere for a picture of the old Eastbrook School, but there doesn't seem to be any online. So, I'm wondering if anyone out there has any photos of Eastbook from back then? It ...see more
I was Carole Eadie Eldest child of 7 Happy memories Swinging on our garden gate Dancing at the Ilford Palais Pondfield Park paddling pool Standing on bridge near park and been covered in smoke from steam trains on our way to Ley's swimming pool Been safe in the streets Mac Fisheries Co-Op Dickies Birds Andrew's DER stand and watching the TV's through the window Pearl's hairdresser's 1p ...see more
I worked there in the 80s best job i ever had.i used to work in Poly Sheathing nights and days. Great bunch of people i can remember big Stan Batchford catching me smoking hahaha. He was a good man old school very fair who didnt suffer fools gladly.
I am 74 and was born at 4 Northfields gardens on may 11 1947. And remember when my nan lived at 14 Sterry road just off the Heathway She had a Dalmatian called chukie I used to go to Marino’s for sweets and mum and dad took my sister and me to jenners the clothes shop in Broadway I remember a lad called Russell Probert not sure if he lived in Sterry Road or just nearby My dad worked at Briggs later taken over by ...see more
I'm 67 now, and lived in Alibon Road Dagenham until I was 4 then to Standfield Road then to Croppath Road. I atteneded a great school, Richard Alibon when the head was Mr. Ling. Some of the teachers were: Miss Edgerton, Mr. Stanley, Mrs. Lutkin, Miss Moffit, Miss hart. Mrs. Lee was the school secretary, very nice Lady. I remember the great Christmas parties and sports days. Some of the kids were: ...see more
I have fond memories of the enormous factory in the 1980's and driving around it at night with a van stuffed full of heavy backup computer tape boxes which needed fire safeing. Site had a great social club and not a bad canteen.I think thursday night shifts they had steak on the menu if my memory serves me well. Bit of a long walk from the factory to the tube station despite it being over the road.I paid into a ...see more
I lived in Foxlands Road in the 50's as a 6 year old, I remember cycling to large deep pits at the back of my grandparents house in Gay Gardens, I think that the area is now is parkland, and perhaps the deep holes were gravel pits, at the time I thought that they were connected with bombing during the war. I also remember the 1953 Coronation party held in Foxlands Road. The train station was a favourite haunt of ...see more
My father, Keith Ramsay, worked at May & Baker all his working life as a Pharmaceutical Engineer and I remember, as a young child, my dad talking about the making of the children's cough mixture Tixylix and also Anthisan. Dad used to talk about the Plants he designed to make these medicines and as a young child I always thought he was talking about 'garden' plants! My mum, Audrey Ramsay, also worked at May & Baker ...see more
The shop on the left corner is L Gardners -- newsagent and sweet shop. I marked up the morning paper rounds in 1965 and 66, then did my own round to finish about 8am. I got an extra 5 shillings for doing the extra round - making 15 bob a week. Great shop though, got my Wizard, Hotspur and Victor there -- they even had War Picture Library. But I did nick the occasional coconut macaroon when I came out from behind the ...see more
I worked at May & Baker in the 80s , I was in the sterile products building ( both old and new ). I can honestly say it was the best time of my life, the Company cared for it's workers in them days, and we had a great social club with sports amenities including a bowling green !!! . I met lots of great people and even fell in love with someone. A lot of the buildings had seen better days but they all had a story to tell, ...see more