Nostalgic memories of Bray's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

My parents met in Bray when my mother worked at the Hinds Head Hotel and my father sang in St. Michael's choir. She served the thirsty singers! This was back in the late 1930's. Born and raised in Bray parish I was confirrmed and later married in St. Michaels. For many years I was an active member of St. Michael's sunday school and youth club, with fond memories of the boys there ! In my teenage years I had my ...see more
My father was born in Ratnew, Co Wicklow. His name was Joseph Ward. He had a sister Ann who went to live and marry in Wales. My dad came to Liverpool. I am one of eight children but I am lead to believe I may have a half brother born in South L'pool who may have been called Derick, he had red hair. He would be 60/70 years now. I would love to know if this is true and would love to meet him. If you think you may know this man then please get in touch.
I worked as a commis, or trainee waiter at the Hotel de Paris during the summer season of 1957. Unfortunately I never had or saw a photograph of the hotel until now (as I remember it. My family left England in 1958 and was not able to return until the 1970's and by that time it was gone. Some memories that I remember clearly are of the days when no expense was spared i.e. a full size dance floor with orchestra at ...see more
This was the year I represented my family at my Uncle Davy Mcarthy's funeral, what a truly momentous occasion, people travelled for miles to be there. He was a bastion for the cause and was as a young man on hunger strike at Walton jail in Liverpool, fighting for his party!! He lived in James Vonnally Square with his wife Sarah and my cousin. I can remember scrambling at his graveside trying to retrieve a spent ...see more
My late father Cyril Cook was a Nurse and sometime during the Second World War was posted to Bray Court, which I believe was a Naval Training School. If any one has any information about Bray Court during the Second World War, I would be most interested. Ken Cook
His name was Desmonfd Byrne and he used to live in Bray in the 1970s, working at the GPO (Dublin). I do hope that someone will read this, and understand my very unperfect English: I'm from Brittany and am looking for this lost friend Desmond Byrne, and don't even know if he is still alive. We were friends with Anthony Butler, from Dublin. I hope someone will help me give this 'memory' a 'happy end'. Can you help? If so, thank you so much. My email is
On the 1891 Census, my grandmother - Daisy Matilda Lamb - is recorded as being a 'visitor' at the home of Thomas 'Baker' Marks and his family. It appears she was born in Salisbury (tho' I have not, as yet, found a birth certificate for her) and none of the Marks family of Thames House - the large property on the left - seem to have survived in Bray. By 1901, she was working for a Frances Harrison in Holyport - tho' whether ...see more
18th July 1959 my honeymoon was spent in Bray, County Wicklow. We stayed with Mrs Madge McGrath, a cousin of my father (Joseph Devlin). My strongest memory is the friendliness of the people, and my husband enjoyed the Guinness.
I spent my honeymoon in Bray and also stayed with a Mrs McGrath who was related to my father (Joseph Devlin). Do you have any photos of the family or the house or address as I will be visiting Bray this year tracing my roots. The name Curtis is also a connection. Can anyone help in any way at all? Thanks.   Ann
ihad a wonderful holiday with my friend john morrison from cambuslang,we stayed with a mrs mcgrath.i came from hamilton and we sailed from glasgow to dublin and then by bus to bray.we met a young hairdresserin bray JUNE ONEILL,and she kept me on the right road for my 2 weeks holiday.