Nostalgic memories of Wealdstone's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 16 in total

Does anyone remember Bamatres Cycle Shop? It was on the right, literally just before you went over the bridge to Harrow and Wealdstone station? My brother worked there in the early fifties prior to being conscripted into the RAF. If anyone has an old photo of the shop, I would love to see it. If I remember rightly, there was a huge picture on the back wall of a chap on a bicycle being pursued by a lion. Happy memories of early London life. Richard Osler
I attended The Bridge Infants and Junior School from 1947 and vividly remember that in the Infants playground on the banking at the rear, a crashed warplane, which I always assumed was a Spitfire. I realise it was likely to have been a German plane. Does anyone remember it sticking out of the soil of the banking ? Another Memory was being told to write with my right hand like everyone else ...see more
First i must tell another story when Charlie Chaplin and Sidney lived with my Grandfather Charlie Ssampson in 23 King Street Gillingham Kent.Coly Goodman American Bought the Gem bottom of King Street in 1909 ,,Needed a Caretaker and Young Girl's to Show People to there Seats,my Grandfather Charlie Sampson Waiting to go into Chatham Dockyard took on the Job,first the Karno Group Came Coly Chose from the Gang ...see more
The cinema was called the Herga.
Lived in Masons Avenue from 1959 to 1967. My aunt worked in the Poplar stores in the High Street. I can remember being fascinated as a child watching them pat the butter into small blocks in Sainsbury's and their blackcurrant pies at 7pence each were wonderful. Can still see the tank outside the fish shop with live eels in was always afraid somebody would knock it over. Went to Belmont junior school and ...see more
I enjoyed Reg Ware’s reminiscing of Wealdstone and the YMCA. I know all of those places like the back of my hand. I am guessing you are perhaps 3 or 4 years older than me – I was born 1941. I used to live in locket road. Spurriers must have been one of my very first shopping errand destinations for Mum. I would chew both ends of the bread off before I got home. Best bread ever! I ...see more
Born in 1954 I lived in Graham Road, Wealdstone until I was 25. I started my school days at Whitefriars whilst waiting for a place at St Joseph’s and then ultimately Sacred Heart Grammar. I had a Saturday job in Poplar Stores and when I watch Are You Being Served it brings back memories of the offices with their wooden walls and serving behind counters, keeping a note of one’s sales so that the commission ...see more
I loved the area but sadly didn't think much of the school , Alderman Lee ran it when I was there and Miss Broadhurst was the girls headteacher. The school was run on traditionalist lines more in keeping with the post war years and very badly needed modernization and updating , for example all girls were taught needlework and Cookery and all boys metal work and woodwork , though that was beginning to change a ...see more
I lived in Carmelite Road and went to Whitefriars junior school until we moved away in 1969. I think the headmasters name was Mr. Studdart. I always remember the high street in Wealdstone because there was a row of multi coloured seats I always sat on whenever we went shopping. We used to go to St. Barnabas church which is no longer there. The vicar at the time was John Budd.
I remember the cabin, it certainly was a treat to spend a threepenny bit on something sweet! What was the name of the cinema opposite? I know the Odeon was further up the High Road and the Essaldo was in Belmont, but can't think of the name of the Graham Road cinema - hope someone can help!