Woodland Road

A Memory of Watchet.

We moved into 38, Mrs Stronach did a house swap with us. I don't remember her but I do remember the draft excluder she left behind for us. My Dad was Owen Binding, his Dad William played in the Watchet Town Band although I can't remember what he did. I was only 11 when my Dad died sadly so I don't remember many of his stories which breaks my heart. I recently lost my Mum too, Marita Rich (Binding). We had a wonderful childhood in Watchet. Playing down on the harbour, up the church fields, the mineral line, the woods etc. Ray Waterman was my bus driver when I went to WSCC. Dad used to grow vegetables in the garden which I'd take down to two elderly ladies at the bottom of the road and they give me a chocolate bar in return. Billi Lloyd used to do our sewing for us. And I remember Bill Cornish too, my Mum cared for his towards the end. There was Cherry too I think. We went to hers the day Dad died so we didn't see him and the ambulances etc and we played Operation and held her sons geckos. Such a wonderful neighbourly spirit back then. If anyone has any memories of my Dad or my Mum I'd love to hear them :)

Added 12 April 2017


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